Why did you want to be on a reality show?
"But, but he speaks for us. He understands us. How can this be?"
I think he misunderstands the label/title “benevolent dictator for life” that can get assigned to people on some really popular open source projects.
That's very Nazi-esque of them.
It’s clearly woke!!
I can’t claim to have created that nickname, I borrowed it from elsewhere.
I don’t think anyone else has used WombleWagon yet, though it’s not quite as brutal.
He also doesn’t want to pay property taxes, and for what little it’s worth, he drives a cybertruck/wankpanzer.
Meta knows they don’t have enough CPUs and memory to run fact checkers on all the Trump supporters.
I never understood the need to display multiple US flags in your yard. We get it, you live in america. You love America. We get that too. Are you afraid someone will think you no longer wish to be American if you took your flags down?
You know you’re a bad human being when Putin praises you.
And that's why we love Ukraine.