A step closer on my childhood dream of becoming a street shark!
Everyone knows chicken are feathered men.
Multi-account containers + tab groups would make Firefox the perfect browser for me, and I wouldn't be able to use anything else.
I have 2 requests to improve inventory management:
Let us rename pouches/backpacks so we know what we stored there.
Let items you pickup stack with items inside your backpacks/pouches. They already do this with alchemy items and food, so the code is partially there.
Ah yes, the "just the tip" of fascism.
They said the same about electricity in the past. But here we are, forcing people to have 2 jobs to pay for their basic necessities. While rich people get their taxes slashed and social programs get gutted, because "welfare queens should pull themselves up by their bootstraps"
And I know this is more of an "America problem". But it's not like other places aren't trying to do the same (or are doing worse).
"I want spending on the things I like and not what you ~~like~~ need".
Fixed it for you.
I guess, all depends on what type of driver you're installing; but I had to install win10 on my brother's PC last week, these are the steps I had to take to install AMD's drivers (because the ones included with windows suck):
- Open Edge.
- Download Opera (his browser of choice) and install it.
- Google "AMD Drivers", go to the website
- Lookup the exact model of the processor: "Ryzen 3 3200G".
- Try to guess what fucking .exe file to download, since their descriptions are vague.
- Double click the .exe.
- next, deselect bloatware, next, install.
- Error on installation
- Lookup error code.
- Turns out Windows was downloading (not installing) an update at the same time, without telling me.
- Wait 15 minutes for windows to finish doing whatever it wants to do, without user consent.
- Reboot machine.
- Try again. Next, next, deselect bloatware, next, install
- Reboot machine again.
- (OPTIONAL) Curse Bill Gates, Steve Balmer and Satya Nadella for making me waste my time.
He doesn't pay his own lawyers, why would he pay someone else's?
"For the last time, mam, we're NOT burning down the orphanage! "
I get the sentiment, but don't thank far-right groups for anything. They're not doing it to "free the people of the dangers of religion" they're doing it out of pure hatred towards other people (specially since most far-right groups are religious themselves). Even if you're not a muslim anymore, they'll probably find something else to hate you (and me, and most people in the world, actually).
Some people don't understand the difference between a shitpost and a shit post.