Game Santa
It won't work. I regularly post banter, irony, sarcasm. But it just gets taken too seriously. People accuse me of having an agenda or seriously believing some of the utterly outlandish things I say.
I'll sa stupid shit like "the Java programming language causes cancer" and people will think I'm fucking SERIOUS?!
The other day I said the VERY obviously unserious: "Only bourgeois homosexuals and gentrified lesbians use Wayland".
Bear in mind I'm gay and my that user account has a rainbow flag in it!
One lesbian found it funny and responded. It was mostly downvoted and it lasted 4hrs before getting deleted and my account banned.
I regularly make comments that are blindingly obvious sarcasm - they use utterly ridiculous sentences like the above about "gentrified lesbians".
Everyone takes them seriously. There's absolutely NO fucking humour allowed unless it follows a VERY stale Reddit-esque meme format that people are used to.
When someone said they tried meth once and hated it I replied "Skill issue".
I was battered by downvotes.
Another example: I puffed on a strong vape for the first time one morning and made a WHIMSICAL post of: "WOW! How is nicotine legal!?" - cos it almost knocked me the fuck out. I wasn't serious!
Dog-piled by people saying - "Yeah well alcohol is legal!" or "What's your endgame here? What's the agenda?!". Or "If this is bait, then you’re pretending to be an idiot. If not, you’re an actual idiot."
What's with assuming the fucking worst of everyone's posts?! What happened to "que sera sera"?
"Yes I’m bragging about fucking my body you well-oiled grape." - -9 downvotes.
"WELL OILED GRAPE!!!" Oh of course I must have absolutely meant that fuckign classic burn. I don't even WTF it would mean if taken seriously.
"But if I dropped you in the Pacific ocean you wouldn’t live long." to a "Hydro Homie" espousing the virtues of water. -8 downvotes (fucking sarcasm!)
"The weight of my intellect is a heavy burden to bear." - Obvious fucking sarcasm -8 downvotes
"Java devs are the reason humanity will never have FTL drives." - -3 downvotes. Java devs really have NO sense of fucking humour.
I refuse on principal to add the brain-dead "/s" bollocks for obvious sarcasm. It's not my problem the world is wet lipped and loose knickered.
The entire fediverse is filled with humourless, miserable, cynical wishy-washy cunts who dont' spot sarcasm irony or anything unless it's written in BIG FUCKING CAPITALS.
Who has ever said they're communists?
As an expert on everything I find the Internet constantly frustrating.
IRC was so much better than Discord. People are stupid.
Capitalism is starting to feel like a massive piss-take. You've got corps laughing all the way to the bank with billions in profits feeding their employees with fucking potatoes.
Surely something has to give?
It used to be called Movember and was meant to highlight mens sexual health. Testicular and prostate cancer.
Not ejaculating can increase the risk of prostate cancer and reduces the chance of you spotting testicular cancer lumps.
So people have switched from a healthy activity and awareness campaign to a stupid, unhealthy and pointless campaign.
Well done.
Funnily enough I know how this would feel! I gave myself a very bad black eye during a K-hole which burst a vein above my eye causing my eye lid to swell.
It felt like having a very hot and 'sweaty' eye ball covered by a winter duvet. It was so uncomfortably hot I actually got a mini fan to blow air into my eye while I held up the swelling.
Thankfully it resolved itself but thick eye lids are not good.
Pretty common for the government to ignore the drug advisory council.
Barrelling out of a club, mid comedown as the sun is coming up and seeing all the bright and cheery people on a Sunday morning going to church or wherever. You're dressed in flourescent clubbing gear caked in grime and sweat from 8hrs of dancing.
This picture is VERY accurate.
Probably the first pun I've laughed at in 40yrs.
The comments by septics on Biden's age reek of ageism.
His age is irrelevant. Can he do the fucking job?
Then vote for him.
The poor bastard is destroying his retirement, health and twilight years to stop the US falling to fascism and all you can do is whine about his age?