We're all completely shocked
Holy shit did he really say this??
Ex- orthodox brighamite Mormonism
Now atheist. 37yo, ~8years atheist
Be a real shame if someone posted it here
It was proven on a micro scale by Jeff Kimble's team at CalTech (?) in the late 90s I think
....until it goes right back up in [insert timeframe]
Will we never learn?? Make it stick!! Take more action!! Please let this be the spark
"We guard against the pressures that exist for unsafe care or for unnecessary care to be delivered in a way which makes the whole system too complex and ultimately unsustainable," Witty said.
Fuck you, leech. YOU do not get to decide what is and is not necessary for a patient. The doctor and patient decide.
11.429 bananas
Not "coverage", "affordable coverage". I don't want coverage through whatever capitalist exploit insurance company. I want affordable healthcare without lifesucking middlemen
Hmmm I wonder if this has anything to do with the FUCKING ASTRONOMICAL TUITION
Noooo shit. When will we wake the fuck up and realize that all technology is eventually used against you by the state
With two days to go?? What the fuck, exactly, were you expecting would happen ??