[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

How is gopher centralized?

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

Yes, 100%.

One of the challenges will be getting order information from the buyer to the seller in a way that is consistent and error-free. Item numbers, unit prices, shipping, tax, total due. Without a shopping cart application, sellers might be best served by bundling shipping and tax into the item price. Alternatively, gopher commerce could make use of a purchase order/invoice pattern. That's a bit more work for everyone, but should reduce miscommunication.

[-] dbucklin 3 points 2 years ago

It might be worth thinking about some kind of rating system or method for confirming purchases a la Reddit marketplaces. Maybe buyers can create a gopher-accessible file with purchase details and sellers can link to that as a way of building a reputation.

[-] dbucklin 6 points 2 years ago

I bought an 1802 kit from TMSI and it could have been done over Gopher. Out-of-band payment and I had to fill out and send an order form. It went really well and I'd definitely do it again. An experiment in this space could be low-stakes; stickers or something. If Gopher is best thought of as an improvement on FTP, Gopher commerce is an improvement on sending an SASE with a dollar bill. I'd try it.

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

I love this idea. I'll have to check it out!

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

I love that episode.

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

Not for any technical reason afaik. My LG G7 is plenty modern and has a 3.5mm jack. It also has Bluetooth, so it's not like it's an either/or choice. It's just the manufacturers dictating what choices consumers have.

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago
[-] dbucklin 8 points 2 years ago

"Sure, it might take one year to learn the basics, but it's worth it if you ask me -- or anyone who uses Vim."

This can't be true, but it feels true.

[-] dbucklin 3 points 2 years ago

A little? I love Carcass. Not sure if that qualifies. Also I's Between Two Worlds (2006) and the Abbath self-titled album (2016). I'm more into doom and thrash, broadly speaking.

[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

One of my faves, for navigating buffers. You are using buffers, right?

nnoremap H :bp<cr> 
nnoremap L :bn<cr> 
nnoremap gb :ls<cr>:b 
nnoremap <Leader>g :e#<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>1 :1b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>2 :2b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>3 :3b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>4 :4b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>5 :5b<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>6 :6b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>7 :7b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>8 :8b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>9 :9b<CR> 
nnoremap <Leader>0 :10b<CR>
[-] dbucklin 2 points 2 years ago

Hey, I remember reading your gopher posts. Thanks for writing.

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