[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm not a pro by any means, but I can probably help a little bit if you want. The basics are pretty simple (barring a couple of mechanics absent from the tutorials), mostly made more complex by a lack of a ctrl-z function and how finnicky building/terrain placement is. And certain things aren't explained (like the ratio of production buildings/vehicles, or that most of your buildings are running at under max capacity until "mid game", or that some factory connections don't need forklifts).

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 3 points 1 hour ago

I love it when people link to such posts as if they're a solution as well

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 16 points 8 hours ago

Me playing Workers and Resources, which allows you to just turn mechanics on and off mid-game (not all of them): No, I must plan my construction site's logistics perfectly! (also why would I give a shit about how other people play the game?)

(also, why do these hard game lovers not like the same hard games I like :( )

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 4 points 1 day ago

I do this stuff for my sims writing books. It's usually a pun or portmanteau. I can't think of any right now

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago

I just always assumed Neumann was the settings aoc

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 4 points 1 day ago

Skylines does feel like the closest to trad sim city, and is further filled with suburban brainworms.

This makes me want to play workers and resources today

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

Kinda wish they included some specific example mechanics with comparisons from other games

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 13 points 1 day ago

Is it confusing for The Boys setting if both AOC and Victoria Neumann exist?

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

Nothing (joke answer)

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 17 points 2 days ago

It would be extremely funny, but also bad.

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 16 points 2 days ago

I feel like its more like the network of advisers around a late stage Hapsburg or Pharaoh, their power (and jobs) are predicated on the legal entity of Biden being President regardless of the actual state of Biden's form. They don't actually need him to do anything other than occupy that legal space

[-] keepcarrot@hexbear.net 18 points 2 days ago

The 90s BBC (I think) battlefield documentary only briefly mentioned Operation Bagration, which is wild given they did a whole episode on the encircling of Manchuria at the end of the war (a more obscure Soviet victory) and had 2 hours devoted to a bunch of different battles. Old historiography tho

submitted 1 week ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/freecad@lemmy.ml

Hey, I've just finished my diploma of mech eng and them and my new workplace use largely solidworks. Solidworks might have the most annoying subscription service integration I've ever seen, but also I've clicked with its interface.

Any guides or tips for switching over?

submitted 3 weeks ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/guns@hexbear.net

I've just finished my mech eng diploma and to keep up solidworks and drawing practice thought I'd dust off my silly "Bullpuppest Bullpup" idea. It's not really for ever actually making, but just exploring weird ideas based on some workshop experience and watching a lot of Forgotten Weapons and other gun disassembly. It's loosely based on the TBK-022PM, the F-2000, and some of those weapons that turn the bullet from the magazine to chambering. Awful complicated mechanics all around.

Anyway, I was going to make it in 5.56x45 NATO as I'm in a NATO country and assumed that would be the easiest ammunition to get (as well as pre-cut M16 or AR-15 barrels or whatever, and I didn't want to fiddle with ballistics really). However, I've had a heck of a time finding the technical drawings for the round (STANAG 4178)/chamber/magazine well dimensions to design around. (Yes, apparently it's not actually an accepted standard, but it would be nice to have something to work around)

I've also noticed that a lot of the supplied technical drawings are very old scans of very old drawings, with almost unreadable dimensions (and are often incomplete). Every AK-47M drawing that I seem to find, something that I feel must have an abundance of drawings, seems to be a tiny grainy picture maybe with cursive Cyrillic written all over it or something. M16A1 etc seems to also. Also, a lot of drawings have one or two dimensions missing that would be trivial to measure and include in a 3D model.

So I thought it would be a good practice project for me to take some of these old drawings and after much examination, interpretation, and discussion (and potentially measuring actual objects), reproduce the drawings in a very clear and readable format. The actual making of 3D models (especially if they are traditionally machined parts) does not take very long once dimensioned, and I can upload them here or where-ever. Solidworks is actually pretty intrusive with what details about your computer it includes in drawings/parts, so probably PDFs until I can work out how to scrub everything with the Admin tool SW has (if possible, hexeditors maybe).

I'm also pretty open to just changing the ammunition/magazine standard etc. to whatever, even a made up one. Can't do any physical testing, but would work fine for a "fantasy" gun for like... idk, an imaginary modern soviet Industrial Concern. The US Army seems to want its funny high powered 277 Fury with the stainless case base (is that really the best way of doing things).

It's also fine to roleplay as an engineer or end user with complaints and stuff around the design, but don't get too heated about it. This is mostly just a project to whet teeth on and get brain juices flowing.

What do I want from gun nerds? Interpretation of technical drawings Measurements for real parts (e.g. I could not find the STANAG magazine feed lip dimensions or how far the catch is from the lips etc, some parts could be reverse engineered based on the size of the round). Access to lots of parts is impractical, so we'd basically guess and decide what the tolerances were based on other parts. Design suggestions/comments (mostly for fun, this is a very silly design)

What does everyone get? Up to date, modern technical drawings with cut lists, welds, BOM, 3D modelled parts, tolerances (where possible) without having to squint at tiny pictures of scans and cursive cyrillic. I'm happy to do extra models/drawings for whatever "base gun" we're building off; models/drawings are pretty easy once details are finalised.

Current Decisions: Ammo/magazine standard. Probably based on ease of getting drawings, dimensioning, or models, but if there's an interesting set of old drawings we can use that as a standard we can go with that. Can hypothetically invent dimensions (and primers are standardised and interference fit, so that part is already "designed").

Odd features I'm including because I'm a weirdo (the absurd design is partly the point):

  • Pulls ammunition from traditional AR sickle mag that runs almost parallel to the main length, turns the bullet 90°-ish, and shoves it into the chamber, thus maybe reducing the distance between the rear of the gun and the chamber.
  • Funny membrane that pushes air out of the barrel when cycling
  • Different funny membrane that has a filter (for dust) that allows air in but not out, and no water in
  • Forward ejector for spent rounds (but like... yet another way of doing it)
  • Different bullpup trigger/action

By the end, I hope to have something of an absurd rube goldberg machine wrapped up in a modern (or whatever aesthetic) shell. But that might be a couple of years down the line.


  • Could crib measurements from video game models for some looser fits maybe.
  • I'm not above stealing other people's ideas, patented or not. But this is partly practice for me.

It does often seem to be correlated to reactionary conspiracy sentiments. There is the "non-white people could not have possibly stacked rocks this big!" thing

I guess also flat earth?


My partner has a big butt and has asked to see it. I cannot find it. Several others have asked to see it also.

It is manga, full of text, and the main character gets more unhinged and full of energy as the comic goes on.

Random notes: boobs are hereditary or bought

Butts are the product of labour.


submitted 2 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Was around a guy who literally never said anything that wasn't making fun of someone, complaining about someone, or direct work stuff (we were pulling up star pickets). Just kinda toxic to be around. He seemed to enjoy himself though.


Inasmuch as I disagree with XR, I disagree with this meme more.

submitted 3 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/history@hexbear.net

I saw a conversation here where someone thought homophobia wasn't that bad in the 90s.

I had someone else say they didn't remember any anti-Japanese racism in Australia in the 90s. I being on the receiving end of it would remember it pretty strongly, but to forget it entirely?

Just really poor memory

(History? I guess this is history subbear. Given how much people seem to misinterpret events happening now, what does that say about writing of events at the tim?)


submitted 4 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/guns@hexbear.net

(based on my further thoughts from someone's comment a while ago)

Things get described as over-engineered, which definitely means something but there doesn't seem to be good consensus on what. I think there are multiple definitions and context tends to be used to work it out.

I think this comes up in military engineering a lot because:

  • the end-users of any product (say, the soldiers shooting the guns and driving the humvees) have much less say about the products they are using to the people procuring them, and are quite distant from said people. Often, it is cheaper to train soldiers to attempt to handle the weirdness of a product instead of replacing the product.
  • the production runs are a lot smaller
  • the iterative process for military equipment has a much longer cycle
  • the ability of a segment of the military to go with a different product (e.g. if you command a tank platoon, you can't decide that you're going to go with the Challenger 2 instead of the Abrams, let alone a T-90), which means there is less incentive to compete directly with rivals offering similar products. I realise that we're socialists here, but there is at least some motivation for Ford to offer a similar product to Toyota and that helps iteratively improve both products to some extent. Hence this post going in "guns". All these tanks, AA missiles, guns etc. don't have their designs pared down in the same way the Toyota Hilux has been (though one can see such long term iterative designs have some over-engineerings creep in)

However, I've seen it used to describe bridges, small plastic gadgets, all sorts of things. So what are the different over-engineerings? Note that none of these really describe an overallocation of engineering time, or effort directly. There is such a thing as a bad engineer.

Over-engineering 1: This product has very complex systems in it which are either unnecessarily hard to manufacture, hard to use, or hard to maintain.

So, this definition is the one we think of when we think of German (or Swiss) Engineering. With military equipment, this is definitely true during the Nazi era, but things like the HK G11 or the Swiss PE-57's ejector. The late war Nazi tanks had some of these for specific components but also had other problems. I could imagine something like the F-35 also suffering from this.

This can actually happen for a number of reasons. One can imagine management, without true understanding of the systems, makes a request (or demand) for a mechanical solution to a problem that has appeared in testing, usage, or even imagined. The problem may be simple to define, but quite complex to solve. The engineers may have been given enough time to solve a problem, but not enough time to iteratively pare down to make it easier to manufacture, use, or make it more reliable (this can happen with either new features or initial features).

Engineers can do this to themselves if they get particularly excited about solving a particular problem and not much interest in iteratively testing and updating their solution, but historically a lot of these have come from management (up to and including literally Hitler).

The design is feature complete but has had insufficient time allocated to testing a design (from production to actually hooning around in a park).

Over-engineering 2: Feature Creep and related things

So this one causes the first one a lot, but I think the nature of design in large organisations tends towards this. Features tend to be added but rarely taken away.

Thus, you might wind up with a hatch that requires not much strength to open, easy to operate, thickly armoured, pretty cheap, and traps the crew if it's under 20 degrees and a little bit dusty. The energy to say "maybe we could just have a spring loaded hatch with a lock on the inside instead of this thing" has to maintain itself through multiple layers of bureaucracy, people without the authority to make the change and so on. And each person responsible for that communication has to maintain that energy until it gets to someone who does have that authority. And the connecting links may actually be pretty attached to a particular design.

This results in products having lots of little clever mechanisms on it that may be better replaced with training or simpler devices that take a huge amount money to produce, are unreliable, have low endurance, and so on. I'm sure we could all think of a thousand examples.

Over-engineering 3: Arbitrarily high safety factor.

Again, this is likely the result of not enough engineering time allocated, so crude shorthands wind up being used. You don't know the minimum thickness of steel for a bridge to support a 10 tonne truck going over this particular ravine, but you do know that this ridiculously large amount thickness of steel with supporting trusses will hold up a 10 tonne truck and you kinda want to go home tonight.

This can also result from using standardised parts; the gap between a part that will fail and the next part up might be quite large, so you wind up with an absurd amount of material holding what might otherwise be a light cheap thing together.

In military tech, we often see up-armouring without any corresponding improvements to the chassis, suspension etc. even though it could hypothetically be done for pretty cheap (but not as cheap as not addressing it, up front), or even weight reductions in other parts of the vehicle.

Anyway, those were the ones I have been mulling over.

submitted 4 months ago by keepcarrot@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

So, a while ago I was in a community theater and we put on plays that would break even largely. Our biggest costs were theater rent, followed by specialist hires (a worker with safety training that did our ropes and high powered electrical stuff). We charged pretty cheap tickets in the context of theater, which given the majority of our actors, costuming and props labour etc. was volunteer.

It got me thinking about games. I realise there is an intense dislike of DLC, particularly AAA companies doing day 1 DLC, but even longer term DLC that could not have been made on the budget of the original game and released like a year later or whatever.

The idea was having a platform for, say, RPG systems that's well coded, slick, bla bla bla, and comes with a few base stories, but after that the majority of development after that is done by something similar to the theater group but indie artists, writers etc. and you buy into a long form RPG (or, idk, subscribe on patreon or whatever). Every month (or whatever), some sub-team releases a new part of their adventure or a new system with a new adventure, and you can keep playing with what characters you had before (if that's what's happening).

Things like the Adventurer's Guild (or whatever the D&D one is, where you register and play each adventure bit once alongside thousands of other players) are a thing, this would wind up be something similar but system agnostic and more tech oriented.

IRL, every time a community theater wants to do a show, they don't rebuild the theater and stuff. It's not "wholly original".

I'd also want the writers/artists to be more connected to their community, hypothetically.

The system would have to have very non-coder friendly tools for writers to pull together systems and make maps and stuff. Dialogue trees may be a bridge too far.


Just got this email from one of the event ticketing place some of my friends use

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