As a PhD candidate who had to grade undergraduate papers, barely any of them know how to write and it’s painfully obvious when they try to cheat. In humanities a lot of my courses try to help the non-humanities students learn but not always successfully. It’s awesome when some students go from C’s to A’s based on my feedback. Makes the job worth while.
Thanks for the awesome alt text
Weird, I’m signed in on it. Actually no, I won’t let me do anything via voyager!
Commenting to say how again was Borat so wildly accepted but if it was the other way around it’s racism
I only find it hard because no one tries at all. St the beginning of my PhD I organized a ton of parties and near the end many in my own cohort would call on sick an hour before. We all have the same lives, I know they have no friends, what’s the point?
Luckily some of them were better than others but I feel people are so absorbed by their world and phones that they don’t step out much
- Hacker news
- Christian Science monitor, idk I think they’re pretty middle of the road news and state why they wrote every piece
- youtube channels
- some leftist news but it’s always a bummer
- I do all my podcasts on podgrab
This is a fun list!
What methods or file system do you use for backups? I'm only using rsync recently.
Bro listing their innocence