
joined 2 years ago
[–] 11 points 2 days ago

Things had "2000" in their names to make them sound cool or futuristic, like Video 2000 or Windows 2000.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Geht nicht klar hervor, aber werden weiterhin mit Handys gemachte Bilder akzeptiert? Falls ja, wird es sogar billiger, weil du dir den Umweg über einen 5-Cent-Papierausdruck sparst.

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago

Vor allem, da Spahn wohl schon bereit steht, in einer Merz-Regierung ein Pöstchen zu übernehmen. 😕

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ifall det finns ett RSS-flöde att följa kan du använda RSS Parrot för att tolka flöden till inlägg i Mastodon eller andra tjänster. Dessa inlägg kan man dela, boosta eller kommentarer på.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

From what I heard from a teacher who was on exchange to China is that traditional Chinese education values the memorization and ability to rephrase or reproduce previous scholars' work, but neglects reflection and own ideas, especially if you are just a student. Western academic traditional to the contrast values the student's ability to evaluate, compare, and reflect on previous work. Hypothetically, a report that would give you a pass with distinction at a Chinese university would make a plagiarism checker cry at a Western university and vice versa.

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Many arguments call countries' names, but actually prices are dictated by companies (directly or indirectly by their behavior) that want to make a profit. Sweden's electricity prices, as a rule of thumb, are always lower than prices in Germany, so from an economic p.o.v. it makes sense to buy as much electricity in Sweden as can be transported south. Of course, that drives prices up in Sweden to historic level (but still cheaper than in Germany). Why are prices so high in Germany? Several reasons have been discussed here, but one I would like to highlight is that operators of gas and coal power plants, which are meant as reserves in cases of high demand and low supply, do not produce sufficiently much electricity: they simply earn more by selling little electricity at high prices than by selling more electricity at lower prices. The politicians' fault is that they have created a mostly unregulated market where under the right conditions some actors can make huge profits at the cost of everyone else. This is why more nuclear power plants won't help: even their operators will have to pay back the huge debts left from construction and thus also will try to maximize profits from high prices via low supply.


Same brand of soup, but one soup package has a slightly different shape and a different folding.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Naja, da an unbekanntem Ort in der Cloud gehostet nur eingeschänkt nutzbar für personenbezogene oder vertrauliche Inhalte (also fast alles bei firmenbezogene Videogespräche). Aber immerhin, nettes Produkt, würde sowas gerne als Open Source zum selberhosten oder bei vertrauenswürdigem Anbieter sehen.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Germany's government is a three-party coalition where all three parties have lost in recent regional elections, so they try to show their profile ahead of the national election next year. Especially the party which now causes the most trouble (by appeasing an opposition party in a bid for a future coalition) got close to 0% of the vote in those regional elections. The chancellor himself has an unresolved history of being involved in a large tax evasion scheme ("cum-ex") back when he was head of a regional government. Otherwise, he tries to do nothing wrong by not doing anything at all (ok, he does the day-to-day business, but no inspiring long-term goals or other leadership things). In contrast, the vice chancellor (from the Green party) does a noticeable better job at explaining and motivating the government's decisions. Unfortunately, even this party has people in leading positions where they should not be …

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Why would you study anything with literature if you had never read a book before? This sound like a colossal waste of time and money. My theory is that if you were good at anything or had an interest in a particular topic, you would study something else like engineering, medicine, or law (I exclude the case that you may be genuinely interested in literature). Thus, many of those who study literature have no idea what they should study else and probably think that they can always get through a course which is about book. Why? Probably rich family pressured them into studying instead of posting stuff on Instagram or TikTok.

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Aber diesmal ist es in Farbe!!1!

[–] 49 points 4 months ago (5 children)

If you do not trust Tailscale as a company, here is an open source re-implementation of the server called headscale. Some/all clients are open source as well. So, you can review all components yourself or pay for a professional third-party review. Otherwise, if you take a binary blob from any origin, including Tailscale, and have it run with privileges on your server, there are few limits on what this blob can do. Yes, backdoors are technically possible, but probably bad for Tailscale's business if that ever came to light.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Det finns Blocket och Tradera för att försälja saker. Inget garanti att du hitta köpare. Om du har större mängder som du behöver bli av med på kort varsel kolla på lokala företag som ta hand om dödsbo, dvs som köper allt på en gång och som på sin tur säljer enskilda delar. Priset du får kan dock vara ganska lågt.

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