[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Those vegetables look so delicious and the tofu cubes look immaculately prepared.

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 6 points 2 weeks ago

Communism is when your dishes get robo-washed too efficiently!

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 5 points 3 weeks ago

If I only take salary monies from venture capital funded corpos that never turned a profit, is that the same as working at a non-profit?

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

TL;DR:- Fuck my life. Finally got some time off from work, but zero rest. Back to work tomorrow.

Shit's fuckin rough. School here let out for a week. But I started work at a shitty ancient employer several months ago now that only grants time off at a rate of four hours a pay period, so I don't have enoytime off to take the whole week off, so instead, I had to take a bunch of half days so my partner didn't have to take care of both kids by herself three days in a row until holiday leave kicked in. Then, my partner unknown to her contracted a fungal ear infection last year and the doctor said, "Oh. Itchy ear? Just a 'perimenopause symptom'." So of course her ear infection suddenly flairs up for the first time, putting her in so much pain she had to go to the ER twice. First time they double dosed her on some kinda opioid and she was vomiting the entire night. Second time they gave her anti-vom pills and a single dose of opioids, but then the pain came back twice as quickly. They referred her to an ENT, but of course no ENTs are open on the Holiday weekend, so she has to just suffer at 4/10 to 8/10 pain for five days in a row. Luckily, the anti-fungal drops started taking effect this morning, and her pain has been halfway manageable without the prescription opioid pain killers. Meanwhile, my autistic son who also has an autoimmune disease is driving me insane because he is latched onto a small black toy car as a soothing item, but he keeps leaving it in random places and then freaking out when he realizes that he doesn't have it -- meaning we have to frantically comb the house and the backyard for it while he screams and moans and viciously bites his arm. Those episodes happen at least four times a day. I finally found the car online, and purchased it for $5 plus $6 s/h. This way, if he loses his mind, I can just produce the backup from my pocket while we hunt for the original.

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago

Dershy's wiki page says he represented Julian Assange?? Does anyone have any info on whether his inclusion on that work led to any actual substantive positives for Assange?

I will be honest, I am starting from the assumption that he was there to ruin things or snoop, not help.

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

When everyone is a bureaucrat, is anyone a bureaucrat?

State abolished!

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

My back hurts really badly (6 out of 10, chronically) these days, and it is super hard to pick up my 60 lbs. seven-year-old boy. But he is autistic, and rarely speaks. So when he tries to say "pick me up", I feel compelled to oblige. T_T

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Libertarian Socialism is effectively the end game of Communism, from what I understand of Marx's meaning by the eventual "withering away of the state".

Unfortunately, the ethos adherents are typically just a bunch of theory illiterate very onliners who like the idea of not paying taxes and doing whatever they like, but also, trying to still be humanists.

They are skipping all the hard work steps, which involve revolutionary solidarity and action which deliberately dismantles the structures which protect capitalist power. Anarcho-Syndicalists completely ignored that the people who have monopolized capital will fight tooth and nail to maintain and preserve their privileges. They will murder using war and police without remorse.

Libertarian Socialists will try to both-sides the state monopoly on violence. This is a false equivalency logical fallacy. The Capitalist state will do extra-judicial murder all the time in order to protect their hoards. They are anti-human dragons. The Communist state is explicitly pro-human, and uses violence to fight back or to protect and preserve the people's revolution, because without that ever vigilant revolutionary spirit, we will again fall victim to the psychopathic greed of the anti-human Capitalist.

Is violence always bad? Sadly, it is not. Humanity was born out of a violent nature, and was raised amidst it. But humanity will have to fight for justice, and preserve it.

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 5 points 2 months ago

Why not Germany?

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 17 points 2 months ago

My heart aches for you and your family and friends and their families. Solidarity.

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

/c/effort seems good

[-] znonymous@hexbear.net 5 points 2 months ago

What even happens to a "market" when you try to sell 4.67% of total cap, even incrementally? Would not someone sound the alarm that a whale was dumping? Author seems like stupid for fash horny.

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