submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Lussy@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

I want to go into sales because they seem to earn a shit ton of money.

Are sales folks proles? Labor aristocracy?

Would I be a class traitor for selling something and earning, like, 10x more than the artist/engineer/ laborer who makes that thing?

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[-] tamagotchicowboy@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago

Intermediaries between finance and merchant/retail, there are proles, labor aristocrats and even straight up bourgeois in there. Not productive labor but still potential for proles since you have anything from cashiers at JcPenny that hawk the credit card at you (haven't seen a jcpenny in years, so much for credit and dat 0 turnover time) to car salespeople (definite labor aristocrats) to Plz Buy More Useless Shit Marketing CEOs (definite bourgeois at the highest end).

Class traitor, depends if you're bourgeois CEO of Useless Shit by day and sleeper party member by night and do what you can to undermine the current dictatorship of the bourgeois you're a class traitor in a Marxist sense that furthers prole revo along and is useful AF though someone that should be carefully watched since the bourgeois may always try to usurp things at the last moment (dual betrayal if you will), now if you're the cashier at JcPenny's and a classic reddit-logo in action and thought you''d be reinforcing the current dictatorship of the bourgeois you are likewise a class traitor and a hindrance to the movement to liberation. Think of that conversation with Cornboy at the pool. Its not so much related to earnings but what you do, that whole Marx quote about people not choosing the circumstances under which they make history, so you can be a creature of the starkest reaction being poor and prole af, or you could a big help to the prole movement being bourgeois yourself by permanently betraying your class and interests (classic case everyone loves is Engels), since afterall a system build on exploitation will not last long and is alienating.

Getting your own house in order then help comrades as you are able is fair, now abandoning them straight up to greed and worsening things is haram . Going to xth get that bread but have some standards and goals if you can.

Sales is hit or miss on big money, more likely they'll have you in a suit waving a sign or hawking shit no one wants for slightly better than intro retail/food service, or you can lie and be really pushy which pisses people off and gets salespeople the well-earned 'lying slick turd' reputation. Marketing is highly intertwined with sales and similar issues afaik.

this post was submitted on 21 Sep 2023
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