Sorry for your loss. I hope you carry your fond memories of her with you forever, but soon shed the loss you feel now. It’s difficult, good luck. ❤️
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
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other cat communities cats
I'm sorry for your loss, mate. It's hard. :(
Sorry for your loss. We lost our kitty at the start of the year to an aggressive cancer we thought we'd caught early enough with surgery. My heart goes out to you. ❤️
It's so hard to say goodbye. I'm so sorry.
I had to put my tux boi down due to cancer over two years ago. I am so sorry.
There's another one out there waiting for you. I found one, and so will you. Until then, send a kiss up to the foot of Rainbow Bridge.
Condolences. She looked like a wonderful little one.
I’ll pour one for Gigi
Ill spark one as well ✊
Today marks the one year anniversary of our beloved cat's death. He was the sweetest fatso ever. We miss him everyday and his brother still yowls for him every night.
Cats are irreplaceable. You'll miss Gigi forever. Remember her and she'll never die.
As someone who has lost a pet (not a cat) I can say that it never really feels the same afterwards
I've had time to process the grief but it still never feels the same as when you had them around
Take as long as you need to process the grief amd allow yourself to feel it, don't push it down
It's okay to feel it and grieve for your cat
I'm sorry for your lost. Looks like a lovely cat. 🙁
I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I can tell she was very loved.
What an adorable kitty. I bet you guys had a lot of fond memories ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear. She looks like a great cat.
I heard she was best.
Sorry. It’s tough to lose a friend.
Sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss.
The cats of the world already miss your company. And they will welcome you back into their world whenever you are ready for them. They all knew your friend, and they loved her.
It is never easy to lose a family member. You were lucky to have each other.
RIP little kitty. I know how it feels to lose a furry little family member. Sorry for your loss. At least Gigi had a good long life.
Sadly, all cats and dogs eventually ascend to godhood.
I'm sure your kitty knew how lucky they were to be loved by you.
She was a beauty. I’m so sorry for your loss OP. <3
It's never easy. So sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. She was a real beauty of a cat. She will be sorely missed. :(
She looks like a beautiful cat and it looks like she had a good life in your home. Sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She's beautiful and looks so happy and peaceful in this picture. It's clear that you gave her the best and most wonderfully loving life a cat can have.
Really sorry for your loss. Often tougher losing a furry member of the family than a human one, heh. I'm sure you have him the best life you could've! 🫂
I am sorry for your loss. I took our hamsters death worse than my dad's.
Im sure she knew how much you loved her. I'm sorry to hear :(
Sorry to hear this sad news. Gigi was beautiful. I had a mackerel tabby, too, but mine was short-haired. He was also mine for a little over 11 years and I miss him every day. I hope your heart heals soon.
she was a Maine coon
hugs My old girl will greet her and make her feel loved <3
oh my God, I'm sorry for your lost, rest easy little cat
RIP Gigi, she looked like a sweetheart. She's very lucky she had you to spend her life with ❤️
She was a beautiful cat. I'm sorry for your loss ❤
Sorry for your loss. Glad you had such a great friend for 11 years.
I'm sorry for your loss. I haven't lost a cat in many years thankfully, but it's never easy and I still remember the fun times with my old friend. I hope you still remember the good times with Gigi.
Looks like Gigi was a good companion
Looks like a very good cat.
I miss cats a lot more than people.
I was crushed when I had to ok putting my last cat down. It felt like I'd let him down even though there was no better option. We eventually adopted another furball. Maybe we'll see all our furry buddies again someday.
My cat died four years ago and sometimes I still wake up and think a bunched-up section of blanket is him sleeping next to me. He was 18 when he died and I actually take some comfort now from the fact that he almost certainly would not have lived this long anyway.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I really believe you'll see her again one day. Until then, hold onto the memories and love another who needs you too.