80 hours in, still not out of the starter area. 10/10.
Baldur's Gate 3
All things BG3!
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power. (Website)
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Haven't played it myself but that sounds insane, what takes so long?
Its VERY dense. Both in terms of things to do and things to think about when building your character.
To be fair, I have very little dnd experience. Dnd vets probably have an easier time building their character/party.
The maps are huge and they do a fantastic job of turning, seemingly small tasks into lavish questlines.
I constantly find myself being like, "Ill just check out this little room in the back" Which turns into a 5 hour quest cause I discovered some button that opened a secret doorway behind a bookcase and took me to some whole new shit.
Well first you need to pick a race, and build your character 7 times. Then you need to pick a class which leads to rebuilding your character more times. Of course then you realize that your main character stats and background would really be better a different way with a different class, which means you need to readjust your look.
And Ect for 80hrs
There is a respec option in the first area. You don't need to do this. :)
Most of the time in the character editor is used on the name field.
The first area is really big. I think I'm about to move on to the next area after 40 hours or so but I also thought that 6 hours ago but keep stumbling into new areas.
I didnt play early access, which point exactly switches from act1 to 2?
When you enter the cursed lands around Moonrise Tower.
This game made my F5 key get more use in one week than the previous 4 years combined
If you are talking about rerolling skill checks in dialogue, I urge you to embrace the failure, it will make for an interesting story anyway.
Nintendo managed to make an open world action-adventure more tedious than a turn based cRPG
Get your downvote ready everyone, I haven't played the new Zelda but I did play and beat botw and it was just okay for me. I found it to be very over rated. It's not even close to my top 10.
The game still needs a lot of UX improvements to be considered perfect, but TotK did too. For everything TotK fixed from BotW it had new problems.
Is there a CRPG that is worshipped for the best UI in the genre? It seems like a UX nightmare to create a game that is so multifaceted.
Solasta is probably the closest for a 5e based system.
Solid UI for all of 5e's base actions with popup menus for items and spells. It also has significantly better navigation for vertical movement/aim.
Love Solasta. The small company did a great job. I just filled out their form asking what their next project should be like.
I asked for more 5e D&D but with a gothic horror or Ravenloth setting.
I get frustrated every single time I want to use a companion's special power and I have to run around mashing the A button trying to click on them, often in the middle of combat. Put in a fucking selection wheel or something, please!
It’s wild that I’ve experienced two of what seem to be the best games ever in a span of a few months. I don’t have any D&D experience, but I’m really using BG3 to learn more about it and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve been a fan of the Zelda franchise since the original launched, and TotK is just incredible. Both of these games are amazing, even if they have different goals.
Making a game that's feature-complete with no MTX sets a completely unrealistic expectation for the AAA industry! /s
I took a huge break from early access and didn't like the UI changes. But got used to them.pretty quick and got sucked in.
I've moved from desktop to PS5 since early access tho, and if controller support is better on PS5 than PC (it will be, that's likely the cause of the different release times) I'm buying it again for ps5. Especially with cross progression
I haven't played early access, only release and the controller support is stellar
That's been my experience as well on the steam deck. If anything I think the keyboard and mouse interface could use some work after playing with the steam deck.
I waited for the PC controller support at release. I love the way the game plays with the controller. I like that the camera follows the player and looking around is easier. Hated mouse and keyboard. But I like to sit on the sofa and game with my PC on the TV.
Is there anything in the controller support that is still missing? In the ACG review me mentioned that they asked reviewers not to comment on controller support, and that some things were missing (like team sneak). I feel like waiting for the PS5 release where I think controller support will be more fleshed out, even though I have it on GOG already.
I mean, I got early access like the day it came out, and was away from it for at least a year.
So it's more like stuff just didn't work how I remembered it than it was bad. So I just went to mouse and binded what I used a lot to extra mouse buttons.
If id have stuck with controller and relearned it, I'd probably be fine. It just seemed like too much work to go thru the menus for actions on a controller. If there's a way to bind a "default" action it wouldn't have been so bad.
And it's entirely likely there's a way and I just didn't find it.
Yes, it is, but.. the DOS2 muscle memory is a big handicap, I have lost so many battles because Y is “next turn” here. Could have made it a bit more similar.
This takes a 0.02/10 off my rating, game is 9.98/10
I played Early Access and thought it'd be lame/boring to start again, but it felt totally different. They've changed quite a bit and there are obvious improvements. It's really great. First game in a long time that I look forward to going home to play a bit more. Really does feel like an adventure in which you play a meaningful role.
I realize on an intellectual level I live in a world where Zelda games are revered for some reason. Don't play them, can't stand console/j- rpg's and don't know anyone that plays them but especially online they seem to be the Alpha and Omega. THAT's why this is such a big thing, you can't compare games but to surpass the ultimate internet fanboy dream game by just making a great RPG is ballsy and just what gaming needed right now.
This is such a hot take I didn't know I shared.
Zelda games aren't bad by any stretch, in fact they seem great. But they're treated as sacred to an extent I'll never understand.
imagine Larian keeps putting out banger after banger for decades... that's why Zelda is revered.
Probably because they fill a niche that very few other games do.
The reason they are revered is that over the last 27 years, the Legend of Zelda franchise has consistently put out one good game after the next with few, if any real blemishes on their record. After almost 3 decades of consistently putting out games that are fun, innovative, and kinda familiar all at once, the fanboys may have a minor point with their obsession of the games.
I'm really saddened that they don't let me play a complete idiot. And it's a bit buggy, but not impossible. That's my criticism.
This game isn’t all… death and darkness everywhere like Divinity OS2 was, is it? In that game, it felt like I was fighting the undead and horrible meat monsters everywhere.
Well... it is a Baldur's Gate game (as much as I've seen claimed otherwise), so the story is centered around the usurper gods of death, their legacy and their attempts to gain power and influence in the world.
The first act is reasonably light (with exception of mindflayers and some light occular body horror :P), just normal dnd stuff, goblins, druids, etc.
The second... well, to avoid spoiling too much, let's just say it goes dark. :P Haven't seen the third yet, personally.
A fantastic game.
If you thought TOTK let you do whatever you wanted to destroy monsters, wait till you see what BG3 offers. 😃
I grab every explosive barrel I find out of combat to help when I get into combat. Little powder keg, a little fireball, poof. No more bad guys.