Next time call the police to issue a ticket. It's illegal to park in a handy cap space without a handicap parking placard being shown.
Police have real donuts to chase.
They'll somehow find a way to shoot a dog while the guy is long gone
We can't see if they do or do not have a placard hanging from the mirror. In theory they may need some extra door space to get out so taking the second spot would almost make sense, but that's what those dead zones between handicap spaces are for.
I’d get the cops over to ticket or tow.
What’s this about a tick or toe?
Want to make an actual hassle for pricks like that? Go to your local car parts store, buy yourself a tire valve removal tool and leave it in your glove box for this occasion. It's a simple thing to use, take off the valve cap on a tire, insert the tool into the valve, unscrew, and bam all the air rushes out. Best part? The only way to fix it is to have that tool. you can't put air up the tire without that valve.
Terrifying... bot?
We're all doomed.
I don't usually support acts of vengeance, but I like this.
That would be worth flattening a tire. Causing all the commotion while illegally parked.
Slashing a tire is a property damage misdemeanor. Owning a tire valve tool, removing their valve cores and placing them on their hood is a criminal mischief fine tops and a great laugh.
I knew a guy who kept a pocket full of small gravel. He would take off valve caps, put a piece of gravel in the cap and then replace it. The perfect size to let out all of your air.
Look at that minty clean pavement princess.
It’s okay. He’s obviously handicapped.
Severe mental handicap. Should be allowed to drive
Whenever I drive my parents F250 (long bed mega cab) I always park at the back of parking lots. I know I park like an asshole, but at least it's out of the way.
What could they possibly need that for.
Hauling their imported kei truck.
He tows a very large boat to the ocean, and he uses it for hunting, fishing, camping, and getting firewood in the mountains. It's very bland looking.
He has a smaller car for other stuff, I was just using it so I could move.
Fuck Trucks 🖕
American pickup trucks; those gaudy, humungous, unnecessary, pedestrian-killing, environment destroyers. Fuck people who own these to feel "tough" and compensate.