Atheist Memes
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What if you're just against grenades?
Then you still shouldn't be proud of that bombshell. Woof woof aewooooooo /s
I don't like brick houses.
The Simpsons and Super Nintendo Chalmers had it right decades ago ....
I used to work for a software development company in Louisiana. At company meetings the CEO would always close with a prayer to Jesus, which was certainly the only time in my programming career I had to deal with that. Maybe 80% of the company were Christians but the rest of us were Jews, Muslims, Hindus and atheists (just me) and it was always weird to be looking around at each other while everybody else had their heads bowed. Unfortunately, this company was pretty much the only game in town for programmers so nobody was willing to call the CEO out for this shit.
What the fuck, that is straight up unprofessional and exclusionist. I'm sorry you had to go through this.
Unfortunately, most people are emotional creatures first. Sometimes only. So facts don't really matter because they're engaging on the emotional level of "christian stuff feels good and safe, but other stuff feels dangerous and foreign". We all do this to some extent. There's no solution.
People mostly change their mind because stuff coming from their in-group, or horrible trauma.
There IS a solution to this particular problem, namely don't use schools as a vector for spreading religion.
That's true for this specific thing, but won't solve the underlying problem of "things I'm comfortable with are good, and abstract things like facts and fairness don't matter"
No disagreement there, although I also think what people feel comfortable with is a malleable thing and by implementing policies that work for everyone as well as for Christians we could improve the world a little.
I grew up poor. We never got to go to the christian summer camp like all our friends. The upside is that we never got sexually assaulted like all our friends.
You just got lucky. Poor kids get sexually assaulted in the pastor's private office instead.
Christian terminology for religious leaders is so insulting. A pastor implies that his followers are sheep, incapable of critical thought.
Public non religious schooling helped. I had sorted things out pretty early on that being alone with any adult was not beneficial. I was a nervous and frightened child and I honestly believe that it saved me on many occasions. My best friend whom I have known since I was four did not have such luck.
Okay, but here me out. What if God is real and doing the Christian thing guarantees that your team wins games against the Pasadena Pagans?
Then the team that prays should be disqualified for cheating.
Nothing in the rulebook that says ~~a dog can't play basketball~~ divine intervention is prohibited during play.
They should be hedging their bets and have each player pray to a different god.
Getting my son's high school coach on the horn to suggest this as a new approach. To date, we've just been banking on angels assisting the outfield, and it has not worked out.
Guaranteed if all do it or can nutjob Jerry take care of that department?
I've never seen a pagan professional sports team win the championship in any major league.
I'm questioning the morality of the god that cares about high school football games more than starving children.
Thank Heavyn
That name alone proves there can't be a god.
Pretty sure it's NFI: normal for Idaho 🤷
That's the first time I've ever seen normal and Idaho used in the same sentence.
i mean, if you support a rational society that uses reasoning to create an altruistic stewardship of the world, then it pretty much justifies an any means necessary approach to defeat christian nationalism (or any other superstitious, irrational belief system). otherwise, the next century is going to unimaginable suffering.
and this is why i support militant atheism.
Am I the only one who thought that sounded kinda cool to start with
I'm picturing them doing incantations via cheers
They hex the other team to make them trip over and sell their souls to the fae
Sounds like a Wood Elf team I ran in Blood Bowl:
It's been years though, I mainly ran a 4 Chaos Warrior, 1 Gutter Runner and supporting Beastman mutants team. The rat took care of everything involving scoring, and the Chaos Warriors worshipped Nuffle the only way they knew how, via Kerrunch.
Paganism is way better than monotheism
Why be wrong about one thing when you could be wrong about lots of things...I'm just an atheist messing around no offense meant
I think because pagan religions are generally pretty tolerant of other forms of worship.
"Pagan" is a very broad term, and I could see a form of athesist paganism developing. Nature exists, and you can start with that. Rituals would be purely an expression of appreciation for the natural world around us.
Plus, you have an excuse to run around naked in the woods. Which is the actual goal here.
I saw through this in my early secondary school years because they got too annoying for me.
The two times religion entered my school life were when we studied myths in English class, and in sociology where we watched Jesus Camp and had to figure out how people could be so retarded (different time)
I wasn't uncomfortable. I was thinking get it girl! It takes a lot of courage to go to a school and teach kids the goat mother birthed them under a pale blue moon.