Hogs in a bog with soggy dogs by a frog on a frog on a log. In the fog.
I probably still missed some.
Hogs in a bog with soggy dogs by a frog on a frog on a log. In the fog.
I probably still missed some.
There was Toad on Frog on a log in a bog
eyed by Dog resting on a log in the bog
A Shepherd watches over the other dog
Who eyes Toad on Frog on the log in the bog
In the distance rut manny a wild hog
As fog rolls over the many swine and hog
dog and Dog stares at Toad on Frog on a log in a bog
I think you may be channeling Dr. Seuss
One of those animals should be posting a blog. Another wearing clogs. Some drinking grog or nog. Others going for a jog. A group playing pogs. The hard one would be conveying that some would be playing or listening to prog.
What the fog
No nog?
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