This is really bad. It's the kind of ammunition transphobic chuds would kill for.
People's Court
This is a community for Lemmygrad users and admins to discuss administrative issues in a more transparent manner
it's seriously gross that they had a trans flag in their name when they posted this. No, I don't believe they were lying about this (as in pretending to be trans and then post a pro-pedophilia rant -- I think they were sincere and thought we would be too dumb to see it for what it is). But it goes to show where their allegiance lies. And to try to get this community on board with it too.
The grossest thing was that the post did raise a few legitimate points, only to use them to smuggle in lots of sinister shit, so it's good that the admins were able to see through it.
thank mods for your quick action, i didn't even notice this happened until this post.
We debated making a post because overall the original post seems to have been mostly invisible, but we also wanted to warn anyone who may be associating with that user off lemmygrad just in case. Especially our minor users.
not my community but i think this was handled expertly and with care
I saw it and it was horrible.
Note that there are also crackers that deliberately conflate LGBT with pedophilia to spread hate
Thanks for the swift action. I wouldn't know this happened without this post.
It's better not to give too much attention to the content but we did need to make a post warning people not to associate with them, especially since some of our users are minors.
handled super professionally and honestly moderation like this is WHY we moved to the fediverse. Keep the good work going and you'll only continue to earn respect and trust.
I do want to add that the qotes attributed to the two comrades by Rondomi very probably do not mean that said comrades share the same thoughts, so please do not target them. They were merely cherry picked from an old thread.
I didn't even click the links and thought the comments had been taken from somewhere else (I didn't even read them, just skimmed over 5 words). We can change the screenshot if there's something else that would be more fitting.
I suppose the one good thing about standard anticommunists/reactionaries is that they carry a stench that is easy to smell, I still remember that one GenUSA infiltrator that got booted out within a day. Something from this angle is much easier to smuggle in.
Appreciate how you handled this. Recently came out that a student in my university department is a pedophile and possessed CSAM. We were all blindsided but came to a simple conclusion: we won't attempt any vigilante violence but that person is never welcome on campus again, enrolled or not, and we can enforce that ourselves if it ever comes to it. But this person has not been seen since the local news article dropped.
Now you're making me wonder if we should report it to authorities. I'll talk about it with the rest of the admins and see if we can do something safely. I'd rather not bring attention from the feds on lemmygrad. Maybe we'll think of something.
Please don’t. It’s not worth elevating fed attention and nothing will come of it sadly.
There are so, so many pedophiles openly breaking the law online that police never interact with. It’s a sickening reminder of the priorities of a bourgeois state. Just think of those pedo lemmy instances still online I presume.
Since they’ve been banned there’s nothing you can give them but an IP address and it’s not enough for a warrant if they’re in most of the Anglo zone so it’ll die there (assuming it was just justifications in text and not admissions of specific acts). But if they see what our site is about, well they’ll suddenly have resources for /that/. You’ve done what you can and I know the community is grateful you’re keeping us safe.
Thank you for your service o7
create acceptance of pedophilia within Lemmygrad by abusing communist language
This is very bad. There is a reason why it falls under the term "paraphilia", such things should never be defended.
And this person is obviously dangerous. Because bad things happened once to me when I was a child, I read more about it and also from a manual for therapist how they have to be treated, when I went through therapy. The first thing was to make it clear, that nothing about it is normal or OK. There were several pages describing which arguments some use to defend it and why it is wrong - It is so much important to point it out. But if someone having it and starts finding it normal by making excuses (They bring historical things, which are all wrong) and so on, then this is a problem. It means, that such person can do a bad thing.
It is sad to see, how someone even tried to use marxist terms to defend it. One thing should always be clear: There is no objectively reason, why this should be OK.
Thank you administrators for finding, banning it and most importantly warning other users. You did something very good and maybe saved other people. I wish you a nice day!
I had only glanced briefly at another one of their posts that said something along the lines of "I might be doxxed soon" and didn't investigate nor gave it too much thought (what could I do against a doxxing anyway?).
It is definitely a known thing for transphobes to "pedojacket" trans people, with obvious malicious intent, and this tactic has in the past been effective at isolating their targets from social groups and support. I have seen this tactic of social murder happen multiple times on other platforms, and succeed with completely dubious or fabricated evidence. Unfortunately, even if malicious transphobes were after them, it wasn't a mere accusation. (I'm not familiar with this person nor did I read the deleted thread in question, so I can't do any like, forensic linguistics on author attribution if their account got hacked -- a possibility given what I've seen k* wif*rm types dedicate to their harassment campaigns -- however, given the moderation history and other details in this post, it seems any sliver of leniency towards "got hacked" is out of the question.) Yes, nobody can police what other groups a member of this forum can or should associate with, but it is alarming and insidious that a long-time user would try to dress pro-pedophilia in this manner, or worse, try to entertain us towards it.
I'm sad that this expulsion has the possibility to lead this ex-user further into social groups that are "map"-friendly. However, clearly a forum like this one has absolutely no tolerance for pro-pedophilia language, much less try to rehabilitate people who do. If the banned user is reading this, I hope you can get help, and I hope you can understand why this community cannot tolerate this language or behavior. However, even if my words may seem kind, I want to make it very clear that I do not wish to associate with anyone who gives pedophilia any time of day.
Thank you moderation team for keeping this space safe.
As some of you may know, I invited more people to the Lemmygrad website, (not this person, though, of course) but now I wonder if I cast too wide a net, which can also net in some ne'er-do-wells to our community. Next time, I will be careful, and basically handpick carefully some of the subreddits I cross-post to on Reddit as well as make sure that nobody is following me on Bluesky and Twitter / X that might mean harm.
Anyway, be careful with who y'all invite to Lemmygrad or Hexbear, folks, is what I'm trying to say.
Oh God, I thought I hallucinated that post.
I already cut off ties with Ron.
This is good.
Thank you as always, CriticalResist.
So they made a long post defending pedophilia? What would the point of that even be that's so bizarre. This is a puny communist forum... just, why?
It wasn't defending paedophilia directly but rather promoting tolerance of paedophiles using some rhetorical tricks like saying that vilifying them discourages them to seek help (making them look like the victims) and using weird stats like how only a tiny majority of paedos commit SA (portraying the group as relatively harmless ignoring the fact that many unaccounted in this stat consume media that is commoditised SA). I am not too deep into paedo lore but these tactics have been prominently previously for example when they started calling themselves MAPs which, incidentally, was also used in the removed post.
Edit: Maybe it was defending it directly and I don't remember it. The post is not fresh in my mind but I just remember the parts that I understood.
The gist of it was that not all MAP commit CSA and therefore it should be accepted and decoupled from the term paedo.
I have worked in mental healthcare and I have met some MAP who were clients of mine. They were people who couldn't control their intrusive thoughts on that subject and needed help, and wanted help. I do not disagree with that sentiment.
The post, however, was trying to argue that because some people are MAP, we should therefore see it as something normal and have acceptance for it. Which is imo wrong. There is no consent possible between adults and minors when it comes to this. It should not be viewed on the same level as homosexuality, trans people, etc.
If the post was just trying to start a debate about, for example, lifting the taboo on making treatment for MAPs available, I'd say it was sort of acceptable. But it was not doing that. It was trying to make MAP normalized.
I agree with you, pedophiles need treatment. It's obvious their sexual attraction is not under their conscious control, since the condemnation and judgement of pedophiles is so big, no one would consciously choose to be a pedophile. There are studies which links sexual attraction to children to sexual abuse in childhood too.
I disagree however with watering down, or diluting that with a lighter term, MAP, because it's inadvertently promoting pedophilia through euphemism. Whether they are a rapist or not, a person can be a pedophile, and that's it, we need to accept that situation. But the act itself, to have sexual attraction to children, is a dangerous thing, because we know children cannot truly consent.
So the negative charge that comes with the term pedophilia did not come out of the blue, it's a historical development. Pederasts in Greece certainly did not have this taboo over the word describing them. Creating a "neutral" word only removes this historical meaning describing the act. So the question is, should we use euphemisms for pedophilia?
I agree. We shouldn't use euphemisms at all. I hope that that's not what my comment makes people think lol because that wasn't my intention.
Because that is definitely how communism will gain traction in the west: by accommodating pedophiles LMAO
I remember when MAP used to mean Multi-Animator Project. It's such a shame that perverts appropriated that term.
Damn... Y eso que ni siquiera lo llegué a leer.
Admito que hace años caí en leer doujinshi NFSW que involucraba menores de edad, muy posiblemente producto de una fuerte distorsión de algún deseo mío de querer ser madre en un futuro.
Pero jamás se me ocurriría defender la pedófila ni querer hacer daño a alguien menor.
En los últimos años llevo esforzándome por no volver a caer en esos pensamientos asquerosos y distorsionados. Quiero ser un buen ejemplo como madre, especialmente siendo yo trans, y gente como Rondomi no ayuda para nada con esto.
Si acabo en un camino o forma de pensar así, jamás me perdonaría a mí misma por eso.
You know, I have a child, and among Nazis ands Zionists that I would happily curb stomp are pedophiles and pedophile adjacent whatever that might be. It sickens me that someone would use such methods to find a good excuse for pedophilia. I’m about to finish my graduate program for therapy and I am just filled with disgust someone would combine things I love like communism and psychology to excuse pedophilia. There aren’t any words I can say to this “person” that could make them upset, ashamed, or angry, I just want them to know that what they’re doing is extremely harmful and that causing harm on purpose IS evil, maybe you don’t have a brain that is average, maybe you don’t understand or your brain just can’t figure out why it’s wrong, so if you read this you can do two things: buy yourself a bullet and rent a gun, or go to an institution forever before someone finds you.