Weren’t they claiming the election was rigged before the voting started? He never had any intention of giving up power.
United States | News & Politics
He started the grift back in 2016. He claimed that election was rigged as well, even though he won, and everyone seems to have forgotten that.
"Three to five million people voted illegally" because he couldn't handle the fact that he lost the popular vote, especially to a woman.
Motivated reasoning is a helluva drug
He called the Emmy awards rigged the entire time his show was on-air. There is no universe in which trump is losing where he's not blaming someone else.
Except that one is more likely than not to be true. At least in the sense that they are biased. People didn't come up with the term Emmy/Oscar bait for nothing.
Emmy/Oscar bait isn't evidence of rigging. It's evidence that the criteria for choosing awards recipients is pretty consistent, if not in line with what makes a movie popular. I guess that's a kind of bias, but that's every subjective award ever.
They began trying to stoke doubt on mail-in voting years ago, along with trying to gut the postal service. We could see all this coming long before the election.
EDIT: Grammar
It's too bad he didn't. Then we could have pried it out of his cold dead hands and saved the tax payers a lot of money.
That’s going to go poorly for him in court. One of his strongest defenses in the J6 indictment was to be able to claim that he had bad legal advise.
It's like he's speed running being the first president put in jail.
Is this considered an Any% run?
It's that gosh darn narcissism.
It's because someone else is getting credit for something.
Doesn't matter who. Doesn't matter what. He just can't fucking help himself and has to claim he's the smartest and most capable in the room and definitely the "ideas guy." We saw that with COVID and how kept trying to "outsmart" (lmao) doctors. He just can't help himself. It's the narcissism, he refuses to let anyone else have the spotlight for any reason.
That this dude is a piece of shit is as obvious as the color of the sky. The support he is getting is symptom of a sickness in our country.
The sickness is larger than our country, but I agree.
Tell me more mr trump! You were gonna grab that election by the pussy you say?