I am really tired of this piece of shit getting himself involve in things that he have no remote understanding of.
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He understands that papa Putin will release the kompromat if he doesn’t say this.
I'm willing to bet even the people he hires at SpaceX feels the same about any input he offers
But he's smart in one thing so he must be smart in all things?
Name one thing he's actually smart in.
Selling smoke.
Exactly. For a while he was doing really well at selling himself as visionary investing in cool technologies when no one else was willing to. Then he started to comment on shit he really has no idea about and it all went down hill fast. Certainly after the whole insulting a cave rescuer as a paedophile.
Spending daddy's money
Billionaires believe they are incredibly smart and better than everyone else at running countries, international relations, economies etc. it’s almost as if being surrounded by yes men 24/7 will skew your perception
But I havent seen Jeff bezos or Warren Buffet doing the same shit as him. I know they control the media too but why he can be like them? Lol
Because they actually are a bit smarter than him.
His family made their fortune because of Apartheid. It makes sense that he'd sympathize with the occupiers.
He is pretty fascist, so its no wonder he sides with them.
You can take the Afrikaner out of South Africa, but you can't take the apartheid out of the Afrikaner.
Ukraine should put him on their list of Russian propagandists
Edit: I mean that billionaire thundercunt. Not you OP. I bet you are fabulous.
Fuck Elon Musk. Fuck ignorant lazy billionaires. The mega wealthy are ALL the problems wrong with this world.
yep especially the arrogance. sure he can share his wisdom, but maybe first go for an internship in the ukrainian army, little elon 😉 then I'll take it seriously
I am so sick of this cunt.
I think he wants Ukraine to fold so he can peddle his shitty inventions to Russia without pesky sanctions getting in the way, whilst styling himself as a great diplomat.
That he disabled Starlink to thwart a Ukrainian offensive already showed as much.
You're giving him way too much credit calling them "his inventions". He didn't invent shit
What a joke of a man
Lets see how many downvotes directly quoting the source gets me.
urging the world to 'sympathize with the Russian occupiers'
And we should have some sympathy for the Russian boys as well as the Ukrainian boys, because Russian boys, because boys didn’t ask to be on their frontline. They have to be. So there’s a lot of sons not coming back to their parents, and I think most of them don’t hate the other side. It’s sort of like as this saying comes from World War I, it’s like young boys who don’t know each other killing each other on behalf of old men that do know each other. The hell’s the point of that.
Elon Musk's 'advice' to 'stop resisting Russia'
Well, I think that what is likely to happen, which is really pretty much the way it is, is that something very close to the current lines will be how a ceasefire or truce happens. But you just have a situation right now where whoever goes on the offensive will suffer casualties at several times the rate of whoever’s on the defense because you’ve got defense in depth, you’ve got minefields, trenches, anti-tank defenses. Nobody has air superiority because the anti-aircraft missiles are really far better than the aircraft. They’re far more of them. And so neither side has air superiority. Tanks are basically death traps, just slow moving, and they’re not immune to anti-tank weapons. So you really just have long range artillery and infantry ranges. It’s World War I all over again with drones, thrown old drones, some drones there.
He “advised” Volodymyr Zelenskyy to abandon the counteroffensive and agree to peace talks with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin
Look, I think I would just recommend do not send the flower of Ukrainian youth to die in trenches, whether he talks to Putin or not, just don’t do that. Whoever goes on the offensive will lose massive numbers of people and history will not look kindly upon them.
Most of this is just general "war is bad for everyone" and the old "the ones fighting the war aren't the one who want the war". It's true but it's also really nothing new or especially smart.
Look, I think I would just recommend do not send the flower of Ukrainian youth to die in trenches, whether he talks to Putin or not, just don’t do that
This part though is what I find problematic. This way of framing the current situation suggests a few things:
- Ukraine is the one deciding for this war to happen
- All that would be needed to stop this war would be talking with putin about a truce
- Putin attacking Ukraine is sort of a "higher power" like a natural catastrophe that just has to be accepted
It also completely ignores a few things:
- The lines are only this stable because Ukrainians risk and lose their lives every day to defend them. Stopping this would mean a truce would be no longer negotiable. Because why would Putin suddenly stop the efforts to move the lines once resistance has stopped?
- Putin is the one responsible for Ukrainians going into this war and dying at the frontlines, just as he is responsible for the russian soldiers that are dying there
Also: Telling a nation to just roll over and be invaded is such an american thing to suggest.
Edit: This also misses the whole thing where other countries might accept you as a refugee if you desert the russian army, if you really didn't want to fight in this war.
So, yeah. The article accurately represents the source, based on the quotes you shared. There's a lot more appealing to people's emotions in the source, but he's still saying the same thing.
Exactly. It’s all sympathy for the devil platitudes.
"Stop resisting and just sympathize" is also how Elon Musk got ten kids.
Maybe the rat can visit the front line for a couple of months and see what Russia has done before chiming in.
A day will suffice
No, fucker.
This is, was this POS thought all along and is another proof for his total lack of empathy and inability to think ahead.
The world should sympathise with the idea of sending Muskrat with an one way ticket to Mars.
Do humanity a double service and fly to Mars.
And stay there.
Can we start a movement to incentivize one politician or someone with a lot of representation behind them to simple tell the bird brain to "sit down, shut up and stay still"?
Just buy something to shoot down his private jet
We are civilized people, here. This isn't Russia.
Exactly that's why we use NATO weapons to do it
That is just too quick and painless. Have it seized and baned from flying until further inspection. Rinse, repeat, at least 50 times. Charge him fees for having the plane parked at whatever airport it may be at. Then have the airplane banned of ever flying again.
I bet he's gonna buy Channel One Russia next.
I was going to say, what is he trying to buy/sell in Russia now? Maybe they don't use starlink yet?
Man typical asshole moment
Motha F..... rr