joined 3 years ago
[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 9 points 3 months ago

Alex Apollonov!

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 9 points 3 months ago

I had my forecasted "uh oh" moment when I got to the line "the most revolutionary thing that you can do is something different"

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 10 points 3 months ago (3 children)

they're kind of symbolic. the Chinese word 鼠 refers to both rats and mice, 羊 to both goats and sheep. they definitely understand these are different animals, but there is no consistency in how they're represented. In the north, it's usually depicted as a sheep, and in the south it's usually a goat.

Similarly, the South East Asia, the Ox is a water buffalo.

In Malaysia, the Rabbit is a mousedeer, and they call the Dragon the "Large Snake" and the snake "Second snake"

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 13 points 3 months ago

Letting the Chinese people on my China Southern Airlines flight know I'm one of the good ones and completely well adjusted by listening to East is Red for 8 hours on open back headphones. smuglord

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

the Vitus by the same company is my favorite. Dunkel is also good.

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 15 points 3 months ago

Disclaimer: this post is completely serious, not sarcasm. This is 100% intended as incitement. FAA, you can take a screen shot of this post, blow it up on a poster, and introduce it into evidence as exhibit 69

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 67 points 3 months ago (2 children)

hold on, the empire only wanted to build a cracker slaughter ray?

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 20 points 3 months ago

this is probably insanely harmful, at least far worse than flat-earthers, but It's still whimsical when reactionaries revive theories of 16th century natural philsophers like this and telegony and stuff compared to the normal social Darwinism shit.

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 5 points 3 months ago

I didn't think I liked opera much, but if there is a classical composer you like, you should check out what operas they wrote, you might be surprised




[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

thank you so much, have an upvote.

[–] 2812481591@hexbear.net 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (6 children)

I almost never upvote anything intentionally, so I've used Ublock Origin to filter all of the upvote buttons.

If you would like to do the same, here is the code:


hexbear.net##button:matches-attr(aria-label="/Upvote/"):style(pointer-events: none !important)
hexbear.net###comment-5667690 > .ms-2 > .small.text-muted.align-items-center.flex-wrap.d-flex .unselectable .text-muted.btn-link.btn-sm.btn-animate.btn > .hexbear-score-icon.icon-inline.me-1.icon > use
hexbear.net##.featured-posts > div.mt-2.post-listing > .d-sm-block.d-none > .post-container.row > .flex-grow-0.col > .text-center.small.vote-bar > .text-muted.p-0.btn-link.btn.btn-animate > .upvote.icon
hexbear.net##.main-content-wrapper > div > div > div.mt-2.post-listing > .d-sm-block.d-none > .post-container.row > .flex-grow-0.col > .text-center.small.vote-bar > .text-muted.p-0.btn-link.btn.btn-animate > .upvote.icon

If you have any suggestions, please share them. I couldn't figure out how to make the score counter unclickable without deleting it.


If you're in an noncompetitive state, and aren't invested in any local elections, having a public record of not voting in this election may be more valuable than actually voting. This election, we have precedence: Cards Against Humanity is paying non-voters who are registered and "lean blue" (Registered democrat) to make a voting plan. therefore, le heckin Game Theory says you shouldn't vote. Next, Cards of Humanity is going to offer a bounty for every dead Cobra you produce.

if you want to take advantage of this elections offer, and you vote, then they have no reason to give you an incentive next election. if you don't vote, you'll have shown bad faith and they also wont give you an incentive next time. but if they don't give incentives to people who didn't vote they last time they had an incentive, that basically makes it obvious they're buying votes, so their rules will probably say the incentives are for new applicants only.


It's shite being a parkour noob! we're the lowest of the low!"


Damn, they phones literally exploded tho


all the mainstays like "FAFO" are here. If this was during peacetime, then sure, you could think of this as an overwhelming show of force escalation after being provoked... but this was a full-scale war, the Missouri should've been destroying any enemy artillery it encountered, whether or not they shot first.

so what's going on, and why is everyone writing fanfic in the comments the kooky battleship captain itching for an excuse to cause extreme destruction? They weren't on some sleepy mission lacking for targets, according to the article, they were out blowing up tons of shit, mostly not even weapons:

"She bombarded coastal defenses, railroad tunnels, and bridges, making significant contributions to the United Nations’ efforts to push back North Korean and later Chinese forces."

"In addition to her bombardment duties, the Wisconsin served as a potent anti-aircraft platform, protecting carrier groups and other ships within the fleet from aerial attack. "

So, yeah, there is a disconnect in the narrative between the physical reality; a minor tactical engagement by an overwhelmingly superior force, and the perverse interpretation centered on punishment

and that's because the institution of orientalism deals with the orient through narratives about the orient, conditioning knowledge of the orient through a birds-eye view which places the knowing western observer as superior in every respect (more rational, logical, scientific, realistic, and objective) to the object of contemplation. This cannot be an Asian gun crew trying ineffectively to defend their homes from belligerant power. this has to be a barbarous ambush by upstart locals, daring to provoke those they should know are their betters while expecting the restraint of our superior culture to save them, only to be shown a righteous and firm hand by our captain who still maintains the correct attitude we need for dealing with the orient.

anyway, if I could stomach delving more of this, I should curate a list of most offensive comments, but luckily sort-by-score already brings out some of the worst, so I can simply copy those:

You know that captain had gone to bed saying “I wish a mfer would.” Then all of a sudden, a very faint tink was heard.

Imagine the guy with binoculars seeing not one, not three, but NINE guns tracking him

reminds me of a few middle eastern videos. One where (I think) a Houti shoot an rpg at an Saudi Abrams and the Abrams facetanks it then turns its turret to the shooter.Another one in Syria where camera guy sees the tank stopping, elevating its canon and then shooting at his relative position.Got another, funnier one

Military equivalent of "listen here, you little shit"

Don't ↵Touch ↵The Boats!

comment that finally seems to grasp people shoot each other in war, but still includes a weird fixation on self-defense, makes analogy with a boxer where the "aggressor" is at "Fault"


If a song doesn't have *sproing* I don't want to hear it. - Dante

Forget marvel shit, I need to know what's going on in the Zutomayo Cinematic Universe.

Love the pixel art + lens distortions, This video gives such strong nostalgia for point and click games. probably my favorite song from this artist yet.


spoilerplz someone figure out how to make an emoji with this where you can actually read the text


I see this hypothetical sometimes asked in a way that holds no appeal: sure, you live pretty well for a few centuries most likely, but at some point of statistical inevitability, you'd end up in a fate as bad as spending billions of torturous years drowning under the ocean, conscious of every minute as your ocean plate is slowly subducted hundreds of miles underground. Is this hypothetical just supposed to be for people who want to feel clever by pointing that out, or is it meant to mark out the people with asymptotically severe time preference?

Let's say you still have to live forever, but you can do or have done to you things that can plausibly end your consciousness. It's not a switch you can will to happen by thinking about it, you have no guarantee you can perform the procedure before your yacht capsizes or your jealous heir buries you alive to claim your inheritance. I'm talking it has to be a mundane method that causes brain death. You check out, while your entropy reversing body continues as a non conscious living organism like a sponge or coral, until the heat death of the universe and beyond. does that image alone cause enough existential dread to reject the deal?

But you can't know the efficacy. Are there drugs that cause brain death? you should study them carefully to make sure they don't just leave you catatonic and unable to advocate for yourself. might your undying body, over billions of years, possibly heal itself enough to restore consciousness, even just slightly? or even a highly advanced civilization could decide to revive you. It might not even be your ego that's revived, but does that matter?

you can't count on physical damage either. A shotgun lobotomy could still just fracture your consciousness into a hundreds of incoherent fragments looping in confused terror on immortal chunks of grey matter.

If you're diligent enough, yeah, you could probably come up with a procedure that has a great degree of confidence in terminating all thought, but there is always a risk of it not executing properly or the people you entrust on performing it not following through. Try and enjoy your money and youth when every day you decide to not take the procedure is a day when something catastrophic could happen to you that would prevent you from ever doing it.

still. It's failsafe to some extent. say something sneaks up on you and you're not able to end your consciousness on your own terms: Your Boeing disintegrates over the ocean on your way back from the Maldives. one expects that over some time period less than eternity, an extreme amount of trauma, boredom, or sensory deprivation would cause insanity that has to eventually resolve into the brain just shutting down, like a computer locking up. though if you're still alive, it's conceivable that your body would try to heal and reboot, and you might intermittently come back to consciousness for a few hours every hundred years.

also, here is a fun CYOA if you like thinking about stuff like this.


Idk if North Vietnam had the same diplomatic relations. Was South Vietnam considered a seceded sovereign state at the Paris Peace accords?

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