I had my forecasted "uh oh" moment when I got to the line "the most revolutionary thing that you can do is something different"
they're kind of symbolic. the Chinese word 鼠 refers to both rats and mice, 羊 to both goats and sheep. they definitely understand these are different animals, but there is no consistency in how they're represented. In the north, it's usually depicted as a sheep, and in the south it's usually a goat.
Similarly, the South East Asia, the Ox is a water buffalo.
In Malaysia, the Rabbit is a mousedeer, and they call the Dragon the "Large Snake" and the snake "Second snake"
Letting the Chinese people on my China Southern Airlines flight know I'm one of the good ones and completely well adjusted by listening to East is Red for 8 hours on open back headphones.
the Vitus by the same company is my favorite. Dunkel is also good.
Disclaimer: this post is completely serious, not sarcasm. This is 100% intended as incitement. FAA, you can take a screen shot of this post, blow it up on a poster, and introduce it into evidence as exhibit 69
hold on, the empire only wanted to build a cracker slaughter ray?
this is probably insanely harmful, at least far worse than flat-earthers, but It's still whimsical when reactionaries revive theories of 16th century natural philsophers like this and telegony and stuff compared to the normal social Darwinism shit.
I didn't think I liked opera much, but if there is a classical composer you like, you should check out what operas they wrote, you might be surprised
thank you so much, have an upvote.
I almost never upvote anything intentionally, so I've used Ublock Origin to filter all of the upvote buttons.
If you would like to do the same, here is the code:
hexbear.net##button:matches-attr(aria-label="/Upvote/"):style(pointer-events: none !important)
hexbear.net###comment-5667690 > .ms-2 > .small.text-muted.align-items-center.flex-wrap.d-flex .unselectable .text-muted.btn-link.btn-sm.btn-animate.btn > .hexbear-score-icon.icon-inline.me-1.icon > use
hexbear.net##.featured-posts > div.mt-2.post-listing > .d-sm-block.d-none > .post-container.row > .flex-grow-0.col > .text-center.small.vote-bar > .text-muted.p-0.btn-link.btn.btn-animate > .upvote.icon
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If you have any suggestions, please share them. I couldn't figure out how to make the score counter unclickable without deleting it.
Alex Apollonov!