I mean people do have loved ones across distances. They also love driving cars, eating meat and many of them hate nuclear power
The point I'm trying to make here isn't necessarily that'd be easy to do, but that it would be simple to do.
In the past couple years they've pivoted hard to LLMs, and it really makes you wonder whether they value anything on the human side.
HR is just a department. They detest work much like anybody else. And most of their job is down to shifting work around. For applications, there's 2 options: either you enter your shit into the system, or they do. Guess which they choose. After that, either the computer makes a decision, or they do, guess which one they choose.
Somebody has to enter all the info into the computer. That can either be you, or it can be HR. Somebody has to make decisions about the stuff that has entered the computer and that can either be HR, or the computer that you put your shit into.
HR is hostile to employees, because it works for your employer. But HR is also hostile to your employer, because they work for them and also hate that fact, much like anybody else. Left unchecked, any given HR department will design the most atrocious application process possible, because it means less work for them, and then blame it on young people, the job market, trump, biden, what have you, anything that gets whoever employs them not to question why they can't find any people to do the job.
What I don't understand is why so many business owners trust them night unconditionally. They're materially in the same role as any other folks that work for you that do not get this privilege. Best of my guesses is they're the job cops and get treated as such through osmosis.
I don't want to spoiler but I feel like there's many hints that Kim is basically a leftist, except he just doesn't have the passion for it.
Moralism in DE is both political ideology and religion, I always got the feeling Kim is like culturally moralist in the sense that people consider themselves to be culturally christian
All the electric power could be nigh-carbon-neutral on the big scale if you just did nuclear power, that's a quarter off.
Transportation is basically just cars, planes, unelectrified train lines and not much else.
Agriculture is basically mostly down to animal products and stupid shit like growing wheat in arizona or whatever
If you were climate stalin, a 5 year plan would be enough of a timespan to knock down US Emissions by about like half.
Has this guy ever worked
going with a hard no on this one
I feel like if arms dealers aren't an acceptable target you've kind of backed yourself into a corner as per acceptable targets of protest
It feels odd to force every women in the olympics in the most skimpiest clothes before TV censors of watching countries step in, constantly zoom in on their asses and then be mad when one of them goes with it. Especially since "tasteful" nudes of olympic athletes have been a thing for forever.
Power to her, if I was that hot and just placed on the pedestal at the olympics I'd also flaunt it.
One of the biggest cultural shocks I had as a german was traveling to Ireland because their museums aren't like ours.
You go to a museum in germany that deals with violence and, correctly, they're all like "this sucked shit and should never be done because it was a crime against humanity"
You go to a museum in Ireland that deals with violence and they're like "We shot 10.000 english people who all deserved it and if we didn't you wouldn't be reading this. If they ever try anything again we'll shoot 100.000 of them. Fuck em!"
unstoppable material interest meets immoveable ideological prism
I think it should be 罗仁 du Québec