[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 1 points 6 days ago

And what happened afterwards? Because Obama's failure to make meaningful changes to the average American's life resulted in the Democrats loosing support in huge swaths of the country and gave us Trump.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 3 points 6 days ago

Thr left definitely did not win. They have the most seats, but only 40 seats seperate them from the RN. Macron's centrist coalition will pick which side to go in into coalition with, and history shows time and again the centrist liberals will always elevate the fascists when push comes to shove.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 122 points 3 weeks ago

If the city cares about aaving money theu would be buying useless military hardware for the NYPD. Tokyo, Seoul, Jakarta, and Osaka all do fine without blowing massive amounts if the municipal budget on military gear for their police departments. The NYPD "officially' had a 2022 budget over $5billion with aroind 36,000 officers. That's comparable to the entire military budget of Romania. Hell, the NYPD has field offices in 6 foreign countries.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 91 points 1 month ago

We had this happen in my town a couple weeks ago. Cop got called for a mental health check because a 19year old with a knife was acting erratic. Cop pulls up and gets out the car, the kid runs at him yelling "shoot me! Shoot me! Shoot me!" so the cop pulled out his gun and shot him. Didn't go for the tazer or the his mace, just right to deadly force despite being called over specifically to prevent the kid from dying.

Cops should neve, under any circumstances, be called in for a mental episode. All they will do is escalate the situation and cause harm.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 83 points 2 months ago

Same with Japanese Scotch whiskeys absolutely running the table on ones from Scotland in competitions.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 82 points 2 months ago

SovCits are just selfish assholes that want all the benefits of living in society without any of the obligations. They want to use roads, have nice things, relax, and have plenty of food, but they don't want to pay for them or contribute to their upkeep. That's why they are always trying to worm out of oaying child support, not pay for traffic violations, get out of their sewer bills, and other anti-social behavior.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 72 points 2 months ago

The cruelty is the point.


Been super busy recently and have fallen behind on my baking so i decided to do a two-for-one and make zebra cakes! I even made the cake mix from scrath with gliten free flour so my friend with Celiacs could try one!


I have never used any LLM's, and didn't fee like starting, so i went with a random recipe from my go to baking site. Unfortunately the batter ended up WAY too stiff and nothing i did allowed me to pipe these suckers out, so they just sorta ended up as regualr cookies, but delicious none the less.

I do think piping would have made them better though. The center of the cookies wasn't nearly as good as the crispy outsides, and piping them would have really increased the surface area.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 78 points 4 months ago

We did find out that Newtonian physics is wrong. Einstein got famous for it and we now use general/special relativity and quantum phsyics.

Eloy : Ocean (youtu.be)

I'm currently working my way down the prog rock rabbit hole, and started working my way over to German prog rock.

Apologies if 10+ minute songs aren't your thing, but i absolutely live for full length albums with 4-6 songs on them.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 112 points 4 months ago

It makes perfect sense once you understand that regulators have only cared about stock prices for the last 40 years. The EU coming down on giant corporations is a new development

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 81 points 4 months ago

Because they did in the worst way possible. All Alabama had to do was flood a sealed room with nitrogen and the execution would have been fairly "unremarkable". Instead they forced a has mask on Smith that required his cooperation to function properly, didn't have a one-way valve to remove exhaled gas, causing CO2 to build up in the tiny mask.

A haircut is also a painless and quick procedure, but that doesn't mean your barber can't be incompetent and totally fuck up your scalp.


I'm American, but my mom is a Geordie. We always visited my aunt when we went to England and i thought her living right next to a castle was the coolest thing ever.


Sorry i am way late on this one. I asked my uncle in Japan (he's American, just a 65 weeb currently backpacking through Japan with my aunt for their retirement) for advice on something to make. He was currently in Hiroshima and told me to try making this local street food. Unfortunately i didn't realize how hard it would be to get some of these ingredients in rural Ohio, but i finally got everything for this recipe. luckily there is an amazing little Asian grocery store in Findlay that hooked me up with everything i needed and i am incredibly happy with how they turned out!


These rich truffles have a little bit of brandy as well as sour cream to create a luxurious and rich chocolate treat!


While i was born and raised in the American Midwest, my mom is from North Shields so i grew up eating loads of English foods, amd Yorkshire pudding was always my favorite.


My bagels turned out not so great for cream cheese, as you really need to make the hole in the middle massive, but they were excellent for homemade pizza bagels! Made a great lunch for my and my neighbors's kids!

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 118 points 5 months ago

Turns out TLC stood for "tiny little cock" this whole time

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 91 points 6 months ago

Ok, so say something is up with my car and i want to look into fixing it. I'm not in any car discord servers, so how do i find what is up with my car with? I can search all the dates and users i want, but i wont find anything useful. 10 years ago i could have just googled my make and model with with problem and the first link would have been a Saturn owners forum i never heard of with a thread detailing the problem thoroughly as well as estimates of how much i can expect to pay to fix it. Discord is just a modern IRC; it's great for talking with your buddies in real time and having that all be logged, but it's a terrible way to find information.

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