fuck that's horrifying
I find if the spicy thing has a good proportion of cheese I am likely to suffer. Basically if you have a more or less ok diet it mostly won't happen but if ya get the shits and have recently eaten spicy food there's a good chance you'll suffer.
I know this is badposting, comrade, but isn't this a bit much?
I imagine it's because trains take SO long to stop that the tech would need to activate long, long, long before the barriers go down in order to have any meaningful effect.
Yeah I weigh probably 200 ish at 5'5" ish (I refuse to measure or weigh myself because screw that) and my frigging Suboxone doctor dropped a "if I were you right now I would be thinking about getting fit". Quite proud of myself for just dropping "actually I cycle about an hour or two a day, every day, and have done for the last four years" rather than going into all the shit he never bothered to find out about me, my history, and my lifestyle before telling me I need to work on being "fit" (to be seen in public, which is of course the only thing that could actually mean given his complete lack of knowledge)
Can't imagine how much shittier it would get if I were any kind of visible minority. Hate to see it.
will 6 finally be the right time for me to get back into GTA?
you're probably right, I'm starting to come around on the subject
I'm assuming there's actually three Johns allowed and OP correctly feels no one should be able to not choose him
I have no idea who they are which is probably for the best
I live in Australia and can honestly tell you that if Europe never existed, Australia would actually be extremely cool.
They are absolutely right to hate the subreddit, it's just that the reasons they hated it were pathetic. The weird shit Nick Mullen said guesting on Chapo after the sub was banned was a bit of a final straw for me. Just incredibly clear that Will, at least, had completely lost touch with what the project had been at that point.
It looks to me like they're saying that calling Wallace and gromit "woke" for having non-white bacon is ridiculous tbh