
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

The real question is how many times is it going to take before Canada and the rest of the world just move completely away from trade with the united states of america to avoid dealing with whatever on again off again bullshit.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

I sure hope this means I get a new Extreme G out of it.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

God help those haunted by the dubstep fanatics.

Rattling chains and haunting moans? Nah, nonstop basement wubs.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Well the anime corner results show me I'm not down with the popular anime. Most of the ones I'm currently enjoying are at under 2% of the vote.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I truly hope your circles don't run into this often.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I'm pretty sure my issue overall is that I didn't dislike smoking. I was never really a heavy smoker either, the worst I ever got was a half pack (about 10) in a day, and those days were fairly rare.

The smell while not exactly good reminds me of my (now passed) grandmother, which I'd say is generally tied for the worst part. The other main issue being the health issues, and yeah. I quit mostly because of those and my general dislike for being addicted to anything at all. I quit coffee after the first caffeine headache, and if I find myself crutching on anything else, I tend to cut it out too. Currently working on most sugars, and cutting back on carbs some.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Similarly, 40ish hours for an mmo binge back in the day.


Still smoking regularly in my dreams. I quit 4 years ago and haven't turned back.. But it still seems an indelible trait my mind hasn't let go of yet.

It's not the main focus of the dream, just a noticeable part of my 'normal' self while dreaming.

[–] 11 points 4 weeks ago

For most middle and low income families 'filing taxes' is how they get the amount they overpaid returned. If they cannot then the government keeps the extra.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

It'll be a perfect shitstorm. It'll also show the horizon of what's coming from the current administrations current changes.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I'm waiting for 2027 before I start being shocked at anything happening. That will be quite a year.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

On paper it totally should be. I mean, you're not growing animals, just the parts you want to eat in a vat.

But well, in actuality it may follow the same path as vertical farming.

[–] 31 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

He's also strangely against lab grown meat.. which I just flat out don't understand. It's unproven on whether or not it's even economically viable... and PA is famous for scrapple. So I mean.. calling anything else slop is confusing.


I still use my first ever made email address, at this point it's pushing 28 years old. However I have a major problem. I can rarely log into it anymore. There are so many attempts to login to the account daily from whoever out there that wants to gain access that the login is normally locked out for a period of time. At this point I've moved everything of financial value off of it as someone did get access once, but there are still plenty of random little things I'd like to hang on to it for.

I know I can just make a new one and ditch that one as a quick solution, but I figured i'd ask a wider community if they had any insights I might not have. It's a Microsoft account, and my windows is tied to it, but I'm pretty sure I can just migrate that to something new.


I finally wormed my way to the second type of ascendency trial last night, and after a good rest I'm ready to properly vent about both of them.

The first trial is a rogue like dungeon crawl in which getting hit too many times regardless of life totals ends your run. Across the various times I've run it, the stages themselves are not bad. You get to choose your path and hope everything works out with the positives and negatives of the new rooms you come across. The various challenges are also interesting.

However, the final boss is absolutely abysmal to fight against. In a mode where the term honor is used, this thing has several area of effect attacks that aren't visually telegraphed at all. Even it's normal slam attack has a decently sized area of effect.

Whats worse are the various and random effects it also has that spew projectiles all over the place. If you're not fast enough in killing the thing, the battlefield basically becomes a bullet hell. My first clear I spent more time looking at my character to see where safety was than the boss. It feels not great for the first encounter of this system to include what amounts to rng damage pings from out of no where.

The second trial (and currently only other) trial you're introduced to is based on the ultimatum league from path 1. You choose a modifier, go into a space, and do the challenge. Finish that and you go to the next, stack a new modifier, and do the next challenge. It's fairly straight forward and some of the modifiers are terrifying but manageable... Until you get to the boss.

The boss doesn't so much fight you as it does flop around the area farting annoying elemental effects everywhere. I'm glad I'm playing a ranged character so I can just not be near the damned thing.. But this is where those modifiers come in big. If you chose any of the mods that cause the ground to get more area of effect effects on it, good luck. The boss bounces around so much you will have to chase it down while also keeping an eye on any poison, ice, fire, or electricity on the ground.. And whatever other effects might be problematic. I probably died a good 4 times on the boss alone, and twice to the challenges before due to not minding my modifiers. (do NOT dodge roll through death bubbles.. They body block you.)

I don't really feel cheated by either of them even after all of this is said and done.. But I do feel that they are incredibly poorly chosen for their respective trials and would really benefit from being moved to either later bosses, or elsewhere in the game.


Figured I'd ask how everyone is carrying on in a new game.

Personally nearly all my deaths are boss related, a majority being purely based on a one shot kill, or a mechanic I failed to manage/know how to stop.

Outside of bosses, it's just been getting body blocked by the hordes a few times.

Out of all of it, I only felt two of my deaths felt unfair/completely unexpected.

I've died about a dozen times so far and just made it to act 3.


It's been a long time coming, but at least with it's final act it'll help bring new life.

In accordance with the rules of news, I have updated the headline to reflect the headline on the website.


I feel like the article is extremely subjective, so I figured it'd be more fun to post your own top 10 good/bads.

I'll start with mine.

  • Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
  • Dark Gathering
  • Ya Boy Kongming!
  • Great Pretender
  • Summertime Rendering
  • Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost
  • Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater
  • Uncle from Another World
  • Digimon Adventures (2020)
  • Muteking the Dancing Hero

I tried thinking of anime that I'd suggest to friends who are already fairly active watchers, but for some reason or another had them slip through the cracks.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I mean.. In-N-Out burger at #2.


Borderlands 4 has been announced for 2025. For a multitude of reasons, I'm more than happy to sit idly by and wait for a discounted game of the year edition or similar that includes the entirety of their dlc collection because you know there will be paid dlc. It's borderlands.


So I went ahead and converted it into a much more janky izzet deck that gifts my playgroup symmetrical damage triggers so that even when I die, the game continues its downward spiral.

I'm still looking for cards to help me cast stuff both from not my hand, and not on my turn to maximize my commanders potential. Any suggestions are welcome.


So I need a new handle and personality for the new one.

I'm open to suggestions on both material and face.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Of the 11 new printings of planeswalkers, 4 are in the Commander precons, 1 is normally collectible from the set, and the other 6 have the commander set symbol but aren't in the decks.

This means that if you wanted a chance to pull them yourself from packs, you must be opening collectors boosters as they are the only ones with a slot for commander cards.

It feels so scummy of them to not use special guest slot for cards like this. It's not the first time, and it doesn't only affect the planeswalkers. There are some rather pricy rats (marrow gnawer and Ink eyes) also secluded from standard pull tables this way.

Anyone know when this started? I noticed it a year or so back when there was a green commander set card, but no green commander deck, but I cannot recall the card or set.


I've been working in construction for the past 11 years at this point with a few years before that in a part time role. I'm more than happy to lend whatever knowledge or insights I may have about work, life, or whatever.

I will be checking in sporadically to see if there are questions.

EDITED WELL AFTER QUESTIONS STOPPED: I'm still active-ish on Lemmy, so if you happen to find this and have a question, I will likely still get back to you.

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