
joined 1 year ago
[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

Most of the time I fall asleep reading, but i find it 'fun' to distract myself with thinking up the bones of an elaborate story about the future being brighter

I dont generally sleep well though, and I hate dreaming, sorry

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 31 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I really appreciate your posts, comrade. Thank you

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 8 points 4 months ago

Our six flagship locations are committed to ending all forms of homelessness in their areas – and will be supported by Homewards to work towards that ambition. Over the coming year our locations will set out in more detail how they intend to do that, with a locally led action plan shaped by the location’s unique needs and circumstances.


I saw an article earlier that just mentioned the homewards project was inspired by his mother four times with no details, so I went to their website to check.

Its nothing, they have nothing. Prince willie opens some offices to launder cash and its international news.

Reposted ^

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

This was region locked for me, I suddenly adore IP law because I didnt watch it

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 9 points 4 months ago

Is that from a real speech? Wild

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 24 points 4 months ago (2 children)

The same thing we do every night, you pinko, try to take over the world!

I sometimes fall asleep imagining scifi stories about aliens coming to earth and ending imperialism, i think I watched too much startrek

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

Replace gamer with 'straight white man'

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 6 points 4 months ago

They made his shoulders smaller, less manly 😡

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 12 points 4 months ago

'someone elses kid' like the bloodline is all that matters, heritage, the ancestors. Some eugenic shit.

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 21 points 4 months ago

Why is W.E.B. Du Bois trying to get trump elected? Smdh, pulling this shit so close to the most important election of our lives.

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

Theyre trying to steal democrat votes!

[–] EllenKelly@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

HunterCoin when?


the folly is mine for ever leaving hexbear.net

ps lemmygrad is a okay




suggested tags

:federation-was-a-mistake :transgender :trans-flag :hexbear


suggested tags :hexbear :federation-was-a-mistake :cute :sprite


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2984423

Hey comrades,

Fully acknowledging the canvas event is silly, I've made a template for a hexbear logo on a trans flag, I've made this three times and finally gave up on the second canvas because of dorks destroying it for no reason. I'm trying to write HEXBEAR last because that seems to be the sticking point for people (lol)

direct link to template https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/96b43440-beb7-4f40-b160-4a58e1ef1196.png

I'll workout a good way to draw the hexbear logo when the canvas expands


^ a slightly more ambitious one with a heart going into the kiwi (not sure how they'll take that, I'll try contact them, maybe) (this is the most up to date)




Hey comrades,

Fully acknowledging the canvas event is silly, I've made a template for a hexbear logo on a trans flag, I've made this three times and finally gave up on the second canvas because of dorks destroying it for no reason. I'm trying to write HEXBEAR last because that seems to be the sticking point for people (lol)

direct link to template https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/96b43440-beb7-4f40-b160-4a58e1ef1196.png

I'll workout a good way to draw the hexbear logo when the canvas expands


^ a slightly more ambitious one with a heart going into the kiwi (not sure how they'll take that, I'll try contact them, maybe) (this is the most up to date)




Hey comrades, theres a local (to me) org RED ANT, doing an online conference on China titled China is not an enemy. Is China really an imperialist Country? - Saturday 13 July, 3pm (AEST)

Dont dox yourselves, but i'll email the org to let them know some online international nerds might rock up

I'm not involved, just sharing after I attended a conference they ran earlier in the year, they've done some talks in collaboration with the Party of Socialism and Liberation, they've also worked in collaboration with the United Socialists Part of Venezuela.

I just think they're neat!


from a community space local to me



If you haven't seen Nine to Five you should remedy that today! (edit, Content warning for sexual assault, misgoyny, drug use?)



V. I.   Lenin

In Australia

Published: Pravda No. 134, June 13, 1513. Signed: W.. Published according to the Pravda text.
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 19, pages 216-217.
Translated: The Late George Hanna
Transcription\Markup: R. Cymbala
Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive (2004). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source. • README

A general election recently took place in Australia. The Labour Party, which had a majority in the Lower House—44 seats out of 75—was defeated. It now has only 36 seats out of 75. The majority has passed to the Liberals, but this majority is a very unstable one, because 30 of the 36 seats in the Upper House are held by Labour.

What sort of peculiar capitalist country is this, in which the workers’ representatives, predominate in the Upper house and, till recently, did so in the Lower House as well, and yet the capitalist system is in no danger?

Tap for remaining text

An English correspondent of the German labour press recently explained the situation, which is very often misrepresented by bourgeois writers.

The Australian Labour Party does not even call itself a socialist party. Actually it is a liberal-bourgeois party, while the so-called Liberals in Australia are really Conservatives.

This strange and incorrect use of terms in naming par ties is not unique. In America, for example, the slave-owners of yesterday are called Democrats, and in France, enemies of socialism, petty bourgeois, are called Radical Socialists! In order to understand the real significance of parties, one must examine not their signboards but their class character and the historical conditions of each individual country.

Australia is a young British colony.

Capitalism in Australia is still quite youthful. The country is only just taking shape as an independent state. The workers are for the most part emigrants from Britain. They left the country at the time when the liberal-labour policy held almost undivided sway there, when the masses of the British workers were Liberals. Even now the majority of the skilled factory workers in Britain are Liberals or semi-Liberals.   This is the results of the exceptionally favourable, monopolist position enjoyed by Britain in the second half of the last century. Only now are the masses of the workers in Britain turning (but turning slowly) towards socialism.

And while in Britain the so-called Labour Party is an alliance between the non-socialist trade unions and the extremely opportunist Independent Labour Party, in Australia the Labour Party is the unalloyed representative of the non-socialist workers’ trade unions.

The leaders of the Australian Labour Party are trade union officials, everywhere the most moderate and “capital serving” element, and in Australia, altogether peaceable, purely liberal.

The ties binding the separate states into a united Australia are still very weak. The Labour Party has had to concern itself with developing and strengthening these ties, and with establishing central government.

In Australia the Labour Party has done what in other countries was done by the Liberals, namely, introduced a uniform tariff for the whole country, a uniform educational law, a uniform land tax and uniform factory legislation.

Naturally, when Australia is finally developed and consolidated as an independent capitalist state, the condition of the workers will change, as also will the liberal Labour Party, which will make way for a socialist workers’ party. Australia is an illustration of the conditions under which exceptions to the rule are possible. The rule is: a socialist workers’ party in a capitalist country. The exception is: a liberal Labour Party which arises only for a short time by virtue of specific conditions that are abnormal for capitalism in general.

Those Liberals in Europe and in Russia who try to “teach” the people that class struggle is unnecessary by citing the example of Australia, only deceive themselves and others. It is ridiculous to think of transplanting Australian conditions (an undeveloped, young colony, populated by liberal British workers) to countries where the state is long established and capitalism well developed.

Not totally relevant while the blue tories still control the upper house, but you know


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