Welcome to the real world.
US: predominantly automatic transmission, low speed limits
Germany: predominantly manual transmission, higher speed limits and no limits on around half of autobahns (motorways)
US road deaths per capita twice of Germany.
Draw your own conclusions.
I am asking about the mayor. Why would he fold to a nazi?
Pressed sand discs with sweetend elephant semen between them? No, thank you.
What food from the USA would anyone in Europe actually want? Genuine question.
You’re not exactly original in whatever you are doing. I’ve seen it before - it doesn’t accomplish whatever you’re trying to accomplish
WTF are you even talking about???
Calling Trump a nazi makes you feel good about yourself and not much more.
WTF are you even talking about? Trump is a nazi - that's a matter of facts, not feelings.
I don’t seem to be talking to a person
You have been misinformed.
There is no way to honestly argue that man is a nazi
You have been misinformed.
Wtf are you even talking about?
Kazakhstan would like a word. They are a number one exporter of potassium. Also other countries are run by little girls.