[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 15 points 2 days ago

This one time a person played Borderlands and said "wow this game is fucking terrible"

That's the story

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 12 points 3 days ago

It's fun and the people complaining about it being too lib are themselves libs because Johnny and V both suffer from what no theory does to a mf

But you can double jump and block bullets with a katana which is more important

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 23 points 3 days ago

anti-BDS legislation but it's for twitter blue checks

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 21 points 3 days ago

Need to know their position on hyper and tf

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 15 points 3 days ago

Literally could have bought existing bins and slapped weatherproof stickers on them

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago

Countdown to Wolf Blitzer saying "DSA PMC Kkkarens" on live broadcast

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 10 points 4 days ago

Janeway personally killed each of hers, just as a little treat for herself

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 4 points 4 days ago

I'm happy that I met my girlfriend and that we're planning a trip to the renn faire nearby in a few weeks. We're dressing up. She's being a goblin and I'm an orc, because of our height difference.

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

No, monsterfucker is about bodily attraction not morality

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 16 points 5 days ago

Nothing pressures legislators quite like a molotov cocktail Natalie

[-] FourteenEyes@hexbear.net 20 points 6 days ago

Afaik they removed the dlc and gave refunds to everyone who bought it


WHERE TO GET THE BOOK: http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F6B31A8DAFD6BD39A5986833E66293E6


In this chapter, Dr. Price discusses various ways of reframing and rethinking autism. Once the decision has been made to unmask, there comes the issue of what exactly that looks like. To even begin the work of rebuilding an identity that celebrates autism rather than hiding it as a source of shame, you must first reframe the way you perceive autism.

Step one is of course recognizing you're autistic and then discovering what that means. Step two is re-examining painful labels that are enforced by a society society that devalues neurodivergent behaviors, stims, and ways of thinking. Recognizing that you are not cringe, you just been touched by the 'tism. Dr. Price provides a number of charts and exercises that help the reader reframe autistic tendencies as things that have value in and of themselves and that are a core part of an autistic person's identity. Reducing self-stigma is a key part of the process of reclaiming your identity. Regarding your "deficient" social graces as having some advantages -- being principled, being passionate, etc. -- can rebuild some of that eroded self-esteem that came from years of rejection and correction by people who insisted you conform to an arbitrary set of behaviors determined by random chance and trend over centuries of cultural construction.

He goes over ways to think about how your autistic traits have actually improved your life and helped define who you are. If I hadn't been an obsessive reader since the time I was a toddler I probably wouldn't be so good at writing. If I hadn't been obsessed with video games my entire life I'd probably not be so good at constructing fictional worlds and characters and dialogue. If I wasn't so focused on making people laugh as a defense mechanism and way to endear myself to them out of a desperation for someone, anyone, to accept and like me, I probably wouldn't be so goddamn funny tequila-sunset

Celebrating special interests comes up. I love bugs, for instance, and got a lot of enthusiasm in the responses for my late-night bugposting when I was deep in the pits of depression. My new girlfriend shares my passion for cheesy romances between humans and nonhumans. Dr. Price tells the story of Clara, who was obsessed with Pete Burns. When she went to college she shelved that interest to be "normal" and it depressed her so much that she had to move back home. Once she was surrounded by her Pete Burns shit and Pete Burnsing it up with her online friends again the depression disappeared like a bad dream. The lesson is: embrace your special interests and draw life from them. Also, you can have more than one. In fact it's pretty common for ASD folks to go super hard on a few things to varying degrees over our lives. Just roll with it. Enjoy yourself. You're not a weirdo if you collect baseball cards, but somehow if the pieces of cardboard have pictures of Yu-Gi-Oh! on them you're a cringe failure (which you know is impossible since you have the Heart of the Cards). Fuck the haters.

Plunging these special interests can help you develop the key values identified in earlier chapters (remember that shit? I didn't lmao) to help you find key moments that illustrate these things in action. Dr. Price gives the example of confronting a drunken asshole trying to force himself on a young woman and getting between the two of them until the girl could get away. A frightening moment but one that showed his commitment to justice and protecting people who need help.

The chapter closes out with Dr. Price talking about the concept of having gratitude for your past self for doing what you needed to do in order to survive and protect yourself from a harsh world that usually misunderstood you. Those years weren't wasted. You did the best you could. You're uniquely you and through it all have remained as such and just need to re-awaken the parts you've hidden out of shame.


  • Any passages that stuck out to you? Things you need explained? Things you want to expand upon?
  • Any certified he literally me fr moments? denji-just-like-me k-pain
  • If you'd care to share any of your values or moments or special interests or whatnot below and how they've given your life value, please do. Tell us about your pokeymans pika-pickaxe

As usual, tag post to follow in comment. creature

HILLARY/KAMALA 2024 (hexbear.net)

This cursed thought appeared in my head and demanded to be spread like a disease. They will unironically appropriate "Girls Get It Done" and use it as a campaign slogan. They will revive the Pete Buttigieg dance. The sun will be blotted out from the sky. A thousand years of darkness will engulf the land, famine and war will follow in its wake, and the sky itself will shatter and weep blood.

Dr Disrespect (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by FourteenEyes@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

She's a full foot shorter than me and she dresses punk and kinda masc and emo, has a pink mohawk she's growing out into a deathhawk, she's a huge weeb and nerd and we're into a lot of the same stuff, she makes her own cider and leathercraft and even blacksmiths sometimes.

Spent the night at her house after work Monday night, then spent the entire day with her. Cooked breakfast for us, then we took her dog out to a park so her mom could see pilates clients, then met one of her friends for drinks and some card games while we finished watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, then went to bed together one last time before I had to leave at midnight. All told we spent over 24 hours together and it was great and I'm super happy and I feel like she was the exact type of person I was looking for.

So it is worth it to go out there and use the stupid apps and try to date people because you might get lucky and find someone great. It can happen

you too can go from sicko-wistful to sicko-fem sicko-flipped

WELCOME (hexbear.net)
cruisin' (hexbear.net)

kim-drip-too-hard putin-wink


volcel-police the-doohickey

I violated my oath and I've failed you all



See Arkansaw (www.youtube.com)

More pure fire flowing from the mouth and fingers of Jesse Welles

The Poor (youtu.be)

This one slaps pretty fucking hard ngl

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joined 2 years ago