[-] Moss@hexbear.net 14 points 20 hours ago

Why did my boss just text "He forgot to dip his wings 🤔" into the group chat with no context

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 5 points 21 hours ago

That's the build I make every time I play Fallout 4

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 14 points 21 hours ago

yield signs are also marked with a similar red triangle. maybe the context of the red triangle could change its meaning

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 9 points 21 hours ago

stop that stop it i dont like it

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

I was working a bar on my own for over 100 people, I had to argue with some asshole who came in and demanded a drink fifteen minutes before closing time and threatened to tell my boss when I refused, people were generally shity to me and I got a grand total of 0 tips. And now I get to do it again today, and tomorrow, and the day after that.

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

Sometimes the work shift is so bad you wake up the next day still annoyed

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

I have worked for one night in this bar and now they are making me open and close on my own. Bitch I have no idea what I'm doing

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 16 points 2 days ago

I finally got around to filling out some forms for my ADHD assessment after nearly two weeks of being given them. I have a feeling I'm gonna pass this test squirtle-jam

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 25 points 2 days ago

I have come to realise that I only live for temporary pleasures and hedonism and I have no goals in life.

I went on a trip to Valencia to visit friends. I had a great time and really enjoyed myself. But I realised all my friends were taking a break from what they want to be doing in their lives, and I was doing what I want to be doing.

My friends all have partners they are very committed to and love very much. They have jobs they enjoy and hobbies they work on. They have places they want to visit and things they want to achieve.

I don't really have any of that. I work to earn enough money to live. I spend my free time socialising and playing video games and walking my dog and drinking. I don't really have any dreams. I've lost all motivation to advance my politics. I'm seeing college through out of obligation rather than passion.

I guess it's a different manifestation of my depression. When I was a teenager I was extremely sad all the time and very suicidal. Now I'm just kinda fine. The highs aren't that high and the lows aren't that low. I don't want to end my life, I just don't really care too much what I do with it.

I hope one day I can have some kind of drive to make something of myself. It's not that I'm content with where I'm at, it's that I don't care enough to make any changes.

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 11 points 2 days ago
[-] Moss@hexbear.net 8 points 3 days ago

The mod in Morrowind which makes it so that your weapons actually hit things for sure, it makes the game playable.

But like actually? Kaiserreich comes to mind for Hoi4, Calamity for Terraria fits in really well with the base game and Legacy of the Dragonborn was the last Skyrim mod I built a playthrough around

[-] Moss@hexbear.net 3 points 3 days ago

Ooh what mods are those?


Like from what I understand you're not allowed to touch the workers because then it becomes prostitution. So like. A bunch of boys just get together and sit down to watch some girls dancing naked? And they just kinda grin at each other and say "hey isn't it awesome when there's boobs?"

You can't jerk off so they just go to get boners with their buddies? You can do that at home. You can just watch porn with the fellas or have a circlejerk.

I've never understood why it's seen as a straight masculine thing to go to a place where the only thing you can do is get horny with other men.

submitted 3 months ago by Moss@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

The conversation in question:

"Hi, you must be Neslon! I can't believe you're finally here! I'm Bloom, your future teammate in the Resistance, by the way. I figured out we could spend some time together to check if we have a compatible vibe. You know, to build our dynamic duo. How does that sound to you?"

lmao love to build a dynamic duo in the "resistance" by just hanging out.

Why did Ubisoft think this was so good that they had to share it

submitted 8 months ago by Moss@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I'm being a wizard german-mud-wizard

Many such cases (hexbear.net)
submitted 11 months ago by Moss@hexbear.net to c/anime@hexbear.net

This is what Fujimoto was doing before chainsaw man. I dunno what the fuck he was cooking. This manga has a lot to say about gender and I don't hink I understand any of it

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