dodecane has a 12 carbon chain. The longest chain here is 10 carbons, which would be decane.

[-] 14 points 4 days ago

Many instances are fairly well-moderated I would argue

[-] 49 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

helix gang anyone?

[-] 37 points 6 days ago

News hosts should ask critical questions. It's not their job to try and "win" a debate. She could have said "thank you for your insight" and be done.

[-] 153 points 3 months ago

redpilled is from the matrix, not sure what the relation to estrogen is there. What's the origin of based?

[-] 142 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The Olympics were cool but the mental gymnastics here are far more impressive

[-] 175 points 4 months ago

I don't care much for the guy, but the fact he gets arrested for the service is a bad sign for private messaging in Europe.

[-] 155 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

the whole math of "stole $500 million" is stupid. That is hypothetical money. It is just not true that all people would have purchased instead without megaupload.

"Which generated $175 million for the site" that's more like it. Making money with other people's content is shitty and Kim knew it was happening.

I don't think he should be extradited but that is at least a decent reason.

[-] 161 points 5 months ago

the chaotic pattern hides stains and discoloration. Smart design actually

Double Standard (

Hey friends!

Basically, here is my problem. I open the launcher menu (or KRunner) and start typing. Let's say I type "firefox", and hit Enter.

The launcher menu is very slow. It often opens "Files" instead, because that pops up after I type the first two letters.

Basically this means I need to wait a second for the launcher to finish searching, show me firefox, and then press enter.

This is frankly infuriating. Every other launcher on any other desktop or WM does not have this issue.

I have experienced this on two different machines running both Plasma 5 and 6, on different distros, both are beefy machines.

I'm sure there is a way to avoid it, does anybody know?


This isn't strictly a Pathfinder thing but I like this community.

Basically, there is this meme that Human Figher is a "boring" default choice or sign of an uncreative character. I disagree. Picking out a weird ancestry is not creative. Choosing a human fighter basically means that you get zero flavor from your ancestry and class - so you are forced to get creative yourself. You are forced to give your character a personality, and you are forced to solve problems creatively.

For me, the stereotype is the opposite - if a player chooses an esoteric ancestry and class combo, I worry that their characters whole personality is just their ancestry.

Of course both humans and other ancestries make for great characters if done right.

[-] 265 points 7 months ago

It's that phenomenon where people who endured trauma to attain something expect others to also endure the trauma.

I've tried learning GIMP, and it sucks. I'm not saying GIMP sucks, but you have to be crazy to not see that it's hard to learn.

The easiest problem (

I stumbled upon this and couldn't find any definite answers.

The Escape action states that you can use Athletics, Acrobatics, or your unarmed attack modifier. However, it specifically says that you use your modifier and not an actual attack. While fists have the Finesse trait, the regular attack does not - so am I correct in assuming that if you have a higher Dex than Str, that you can only use Dex with acrobatics, not with the unarmed attack modifier?


My group is playing Abomination Vaults, and on the second level there is a room with an undead Minotaur Skeleton Warrior. The book specifically states that it never leaves the room it's in.

My group quickly figures this out and would simply have everybody ready an attack, one PC would open the door, triggering everybody else's reaction, and would then close it again.

After doing this about 10 times they finally took down the skeleton despite it having resistance to most of their attacks, with none of them taking any damage.

This is a somewhat inexperienced group that doesn't usually do strategy things, so I was happy to see them plan and execute.

Anyway what's the weirdest way your group beat a supposedly challenging enemy?

This just fits perfectly (

Hey, I've been hearing a LOT about the xz backdoor. Crazy story, but rather than reading 10 different articles about it from 3 days ago when the story was quite new, does anybody know a high quality write-up that has all the juicy details and facts? I really like in-depth guides that cover every aspect of the story.

Thanks in advance guys!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/


When I go to

it says "Could not fetch !"

However the community definitely exists:

Anybody know why this is?

Fuck Wizards of the Rule (
More Wendy's Rule (
[-] 250 points 1 year ago


  • fails to address leap years
  • fails to address 365th day
  • moon cycle will still slowly deviate
  • retains clunky 7-day week that doesn't interact will with decimal counting system

I like it, but I got an even better proposal. Weeks should have ten day weeks, and each month should have 3 weeks. summer/winter solstice and the spring/autumn equinox as well as new years day are special holidays that fall between months and interrupt the week cycle. In leap years, new years is two days.

The 1st, 11th and 21st of each month are now Mondays, so you can tell the weekday of any date. Months are the same length just like in Jesse's proposal, but an even 30 instead of a clunky 28.

I've thought about this a lot

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joined 2 years ago