Just a heads up while the look might be easy to emulate the feel part will at best be close. Which is actually good because a lot about that is rather shoddy in windows... and focussing on getting what you had with windows might make you miss stuff you didn't think you wanted. Like MMB click on scrollbars, or dragging and resizing windows with Super+LMB/RMB
They're all PCs they just aren't IBM (compatible) PCs. Anything from a Workstation to a Smartphone is a Personal Computer.
I think Europe and Ukraine would be happy with EU membership, or, failing that (because overall complicated and it's gonna take some time) a way to extend Article 42(7) guarantees to Ukraine. Invite the UK etc. while you're at it.
Who should be shit-scared of that possibility is the US because it'd sideline them. Worse: It's bound to come with "buy European" provisions (the French will insist and nobody's going to bother opposing it harshly) and I'm not sure whether the US can afford its military-industrial complex without exports.
So... did Trump already meet with Lockheed-Martin?
Cologne would take it as testing grounds for their wrecking ball industry.
I'm not contradicting anything, I didn't even use the word "life". I'm simply taking the perspective of the genome, and fighting against the notion that viruses would act as mechanistically as prions.
Of course it adjusts to its environment -- it even uses it to replicate. Viruses are that branch of the genome which is being minimalist about its seed pods, other branches need all kinds of superfluous stuff like eyes and limbs and brains and whatnot. Complete waste of resources, having pods which can maintain independent homeostasis, what good does that for the homeostasis of the genome? Eh?
Welcher Leiter? Welcher Veranstalter?
Klar gibt's da einen Graubereich aber wenn keine Flyer ausgeteilt wurden oder sonstwie außerhalb des direkten Bekanntenkreises geworben wurde wird's schon schwierig. Tuch ist schnell beschrieben und die Kuhhörner haben die wohl irgendwo eh und auch schon vom Dachboden geholt weil is ja Klaasohm-Zeit, das geht alles mit weniger als ner Stunde Vorlaufzeit. "Spontan" ist nicht gleichbedeutend mit "innerhalb der Aufmerksamkeitsspanne eines Zoomers".
Als Piraten Tee in die Gegend gebracht haben haben sie's geschafft das von "Ist das Kohl? Ist man das in einer Suppe?" zu "Ohja unten süß, in der Mitte herb, oben sahnig" zu entwickeln.
Man kann's auch allgemein belassen wenn was dann gemacht wird klarer geregelt wird. Von "es bleibt beim durchkitzeln" bis zu "Gedicht aufsagen und du wirst verschont" is da einiges denkbar.
Im Rheinland gilt hochjuristisch das Tragen einer Krawatte zur Weiberfastnacht als stillschweigende Einwilligung die sich abschneiden zu lassen, woanders und zu anderen Zeiten ist das Sachbeschädigung. Denkt euch was aus, auch Ostfriesen können kreativ sein.
That most sex workers are self-employed in Germany is a result of the strict employment laws, in particular, if you employ a baker and tell them to knead bread and they refuse then you can fire them. Can't do that with a sex worker as they can refuse to serve any client for any or no reason.
It's not like there's no employed sex workers but the more usual model is that a brothel provides a room, security, and a lobby and sex workers pay for the use of those with money they make off their clients. Just like running a business in a mall, but a particular kind of business in a particular kind of mall.
No, just most. War is the continuation of politics by different means, and political desires are quite often, but definitely not always, economical. Rome razed Carthage because of the economics of empires in the Mediterranean, yes, but Charlemagne didn't genocide Old Saxony for its economic output, but religious fervour and autocratic arrogance (the whole one god one pope one king thing).
The people didn't elect anyone, you might want to look up what "to annul" means. Also there would've been a run-off anyway. Also plenty of campaigning laws were broken.