I'm not going to link directly to it, but if you go to https://hshop.erista.me/ and go to DLCs, then North America, then the Smash Bros page, it'll generate a download link that's good for 3 hours.
I made some progress but I stopped digging last night when I confirmed there were no ICE arrests at a house in Tucson the day they were claiming the discord messages were from. And as of a couple hours ago the supposedly deported Dev was posting on Discord.
Who's buying imported tortilla chips?
I don't waste my time with mindless drivel like video "games". I'm much too busy reading or working on my various side hustles.
I dug as much as I could. If it makes you feel better, it almost certainly didn't happen and this loser is fantasizing about having had someone deported.
You're on my second screen right now
I've spent a little bit of time today trying to doxx this loser. They had been kicked off the Tamriel Rebuilt discord for being a bigot so now they're trying to "get revenge". They've also been a menace in the fallout modding scene for years. Literally what they're originally mad about in this instance is that the mod kept getting put on hold because it "didn't have clear vision" and that the modder used some assets from other mods, that was enough for them to call in the gestapo.
Oh no. When I said "boobs" I actually meant "dialectical materialism" it was a typo became the open source keyboard I use on my phone is outdated.
I am a straight cishet man and I like boobs. Come cancel me commie woke mob.
I'm not that surprised, modern Anglicans are basically agnostics with nothing better to do on Sunday mornings.
The last two TrueAnon episodes are about it.