Baldiger Auszug wann? Außerdem wird sie sich dann wohl erstmal im Geheimen treffen. Hoffe du gibts nicht nur Verbote aus sondern redest intensiv mit ihr darüber, konstruktiv. Andernfalls wird die gute Beziehung bald darunter leiden.
Nah, it's cool, no need to double down. I get what you are doing.
Hahaha, just wtf. You're just trolling, I get it, it can be fun.
If this kind of greeting is so much in your standard repertoire that you just accidentally without thinking go for it in such a moment... Then it is not the "stupid PC police trying to claim everything is offensive". It is offensive. Which normal person does that?
Edit: I mean, seriously, look at this
Taken from I just include it here in case that post is deleted.
Every single season of it started so damn strong and then after a few episodes... Poof.
Got it, thank you so much!
Hidden folks please!
Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?
Someone learned something about themselves today.
The image is from the corrected timeline though, where Biff is a friend of the family and not a bully anymore.
Agree, always good to be prepared
The lip bite really sells it.