
joined 2 years ago
[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 11 points 3 weeks ago

very cool, thanks for posting. what's laid bare here is the scam where if you keep at it, you'll eventually get there - look at the joe rogans and the linusestechtipses, they kept at it and look at them now! the burried lede being that it's virtually impossible to penetrate that level and at the same time being under google's thumb, microdosing your cut and evermore shrinking the crumbs that get to you.

the issue with overpaying for production someone raised is valid, but even with reducing it to like a 10th of what she's paying, it's still nowhere close to "making it" in terms of sole income of a single woman with kids and whatnot. be that as it may, the script folder and the food beautifier and the scalper for this and that have to go, like yesterday, and them kids are now promoted to ~~iphone recorders~~ co-directors of photography immediately.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 weeks ago

as a direct product of enshittification, google and friends routinely undermine the open internet and make life difficult for people who selfhost, businesses and private parties alike.

so your emails not arriving in gmail's inbox is because google wants you to use gmail and/or their business account, not plain email. there is no mechanism where you can mark a non-gmail correspondent as safe and someone you always want to receive comms from. except, if you offload your sending either to g&f or one of the 3rd-party senders like mailchimp, sendinblue, etc. who have a direct pipe into google's infra and are not subject to any of those harassment tactics.

so, not having a .com domain is possibly less ideal, but that pales in comparison to the above; if you're communicating with non-gmail/outllok/etc contacts, it don't matter. if you do - again, it doesn't matter.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 11 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (1 children)

hatred. just hatred and anger, fueled by seething rage that's there in a split-second, whenever you need it. when your synapses overflow with visions of screaming mongol hordes burning and pillaging through the C-suite of whatever corpo that's yanking your chain, the desire to gorge on crap you're conditioned to consume just fades away.

that works for anything. smoking. eating meat. you ex you can't stop thinking about. getting the new GPU. give it a burst of 30-45 seconds of white-hot fury and you don't want none of that, ever again.

in the words of the wise denpok singh: "hate in the hands of the enlightened can be a tool for great change".

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

ALL YOUR SEARCHES are tied to your email, forever. all your queries safely stored, waiting for someone to hack them or them to abuse that data somehow.

now reread your question.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

maybe not important to some, but I was super-unpleasantly surprised a couple months ago because proton deleted my dormant account. my recovery account received a couple of warning emails (didn't check that one in ages) and when I finally got around to it, gone.

so if you're thinking of using it for anything long-term, know that you have to log in once in a while or it's gone.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm aware of that, but there's a significant portion of FP users ditching the provided eOS and going with something that's way more privacy respecting; I'm sure you can find comparisons with graphene, calyx, lineage, aosp, etc. online.

so what I meant was, if you're one of those, then there are zero reasons for choosing FP, other than supporting their mission.

edit: similar topic from a while ago https://lemmy.ml/post/23014970

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

if you format it thusly , then anyone can view it from their instance and can then interact with it.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I'm not sure I understand what the issue is here... I also have uBlock Origin and no traffic is hitting either of those domains, just checked it with inspect/network tab. the redirect thingy autotranslates youtube to invidious and clicking youtube links opens freetube. no traffic is going to google or youtube. which part is your issue?

edit: aha, got it - uBlock swallows those domains so the extensions don't run.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'm using freetube and privacy redirect on firefox. this is what embedded videos look like:

clicking on "Go" starts embedded playback from invidious, clicking on "youtube" opens freetube. there's an option to auto-open/play the embedded video, which I don't use.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I can't fathom spending that kind of money for something that can be easily - as you've found out - broken. or lost. stolen. die on its own. not to mention - get a pretty mediocre device for the hefty price.

seeing as how you have to change the OS on it anyway, maybe look into used ex-flaghip devices. go to lineageOS devices page, filter for RAM and LOS version (22 i.e. A15 at the moment) and check if you can get a used devices locally for like a tenth of the price.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 month ago

I'm not hiding anything, I'm choosing what to share; there's a difference.

as to your (somewhat naive) perspective, yeah, having your shit out in the open is a credible threat. the solution is have all your shit private by default and not shared with anyone. then, allow leaks on a case-by-case basis.

we're all done (or should be, at least) with the idea that there are laws and regulations shielding us from the now rampant abuse from various threat actors. instead of relying on the government or whoever to enact those regulations, I find it way better to not allow anyone to be in the position to compromise me.

this is a forever moving target and you're never going to achieve full security; to paraphrase cory doctorow, that's a full-time, unpaid job that you're doing in addition to your existing job. but I'm better off with more security and privacy than without, so I'm ok with the sacrifices I have to make.

[–] dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

saw your other post as well, there's so much stuff in your stack that you have to narrow your issues down to the malfunctioning item, there's no way you're gonna stumble upon someone with your exact setup.

start with existing element x apps communicating over matrix.org (use throwaway accounts if you don't trust it) and unified push using ntfy.sh. if everything works there, then you can start replacing one by one of these until you achieve full functionality or something breaks.


I can't resolve (ping, ssh) any computer on my network from a newly installed minimal Gnome Desktop F39 on a laptop; since it's minimal, it's possible something's missing from the installation.

trying from the laptop gives:

$ ping server.local
ping: server.local: Temporary failure in name resolution

pinging .box static DNS entries as well as IP addresses works. all other computers can resolve each other and the new laptop (1 debian, 1 fedora, 1 macOS), some have static, some dynamic IPs. they all get the DNS IP of my pi-hole, which resolves everything fine. resolve.conf and all other relevant files are stock. avahi and systemd-resolve are running and report no issues. same behaviour with WiFi and LAN.

I could switch to static IPs and assign e.g. .box suffixes all around via local DNS but I don't want to do that, this setup is/was working on every other PC.

any ideas what I'm missing?

edit: just booted off of a live USB with F39, resolves server.local just fine. so I'm missing something in my installation, right?

edit II: installed it (minimal) on another laptop, same deal - no .local resolution.


I haven't had anything to do with windows in like 5+ years. I need to set up a laptop with it for someone tomorrow, I'm guessing W11 is nowadays recommended? what's currently the best option for a hassle free experience (no ads, no random game installs, no migrations to onedrive, etc)?

last time I did it, I used the W10 ISO from Microsoft, applied the hwidsomething and ran some debloater from github. back then there were some ~~ESR~~ LTSC ISOs available on torrent sites, is that still a thing?

the install is going to use firefox, chrome, skype, libreoffice, etc., they all autoupdate themselves, so it's going to be reasonably secure. what's my best bet for a set & forget situation? thanks.


is there some API or other mechanism that allows me to create a contact form on my site and have the messages delivered to my mastodon inbox?


just added a second cheap NVMe drive to my system and am in the process of moving my games folder to it. the folder has a coupla prefixes and individual game folders. presently it's ext4, my boot drive is btrfs and encrypted LVM, the ext4 drive gets mounted to ~/Games via fstab.

is there a better combination? like, would I benefit from CoW or compression for this use case? or even going with ntfs?

edit: went with btrfs. super easy to convert from ext4, just unmount the 2nd drive, btrfs-convert and change the UUID in fstab. also added the compress=zstd:1 option. looks like everything is working thus far.


that's the sequel to FC 5. tried a couple of times to get it to work with various wine versions, had no luck. apparently, it has some unbreakable protection. not sure if that's correct, I can run both Far Cry 5 and 6 without issues, why would they just protect the interim version?


tried plasma a year back and gave up because I couldn't get the above setup to work (annoying lines appearing while typing) on three different laptops (125, 133, 150%). there was supposedly a fix (increasing line spacing) but that didn't work for me. just checking in to see if some workaround came to light? thanks.


same thing with lemmy clients, manually clicking through 100 check boxes of supported domains... can't the app ask to do it on first launch? or is my setup to blame?


so I found a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite Wifi, one of the few tablets that have official LOS support. the specs aren't too bad either, 10" 2000x1200 screen, 4/64GB, 7000 mAh battery (remains to be seen in what condition); for $120 with some shitty cover/stand and dubious charger, one hell of a deal. only problem is, it can't be reset or it'll lock itself.

thought on passing, but the dude assures me it's not stolen as he has a bunch of these, so most likely scenario is some corporate client dumped these and upgraded to newest and best without unenrolling them from this knox bullshit. either that or there's a crew ripping exclusively gta4xlwifis all over Germany.

although I can endure Samsung's OneUI for basic shit, I happen to know a little bit about Android, bootloaders and stuff and I'm fairly confident I can wipe this crap and install LOS without issues. what is the saying, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing? so let's start.

first off, LOS instructions say you gotta have the latest firmware on the device. this one's on Android 11, so launch software update. update, reboot, hold breath - will it lock itself, annnd... booted just fine, we're done!

except, no we're not. inspecting software properties shows it's on A12 and the update process is already downloading another package. current LOS ROM is 20/A13, so we need A13 and latest patches, looks like it's gonna take a while.

well we're finally done. all in all, FIVE different upgrades, one after another, and then each does some "optimising" shit, took hours. dios mio, you couldn't just ship a cumulative update, it had to be piecemeal?

anyhoo, tried each of the versions for a couple of minutes - sluggish, stuttering, occasional single-digit fps animations, boatloads of G and S services running in the background, each one is sending you Super Important Notifications All The Time, can't wait to be rid of this crap.

alright, A13 and latest patches in the house. now comes the step I'm dreading - according to LOS instructions, I have to boot in download (proprietary fastboot) mode where I should unlock bootloader and thus erase user data. this equates to doing a factory reset which, according to the seller, should lock the device. although I've tried to educate myself on what this knox business actually is, I've come up short (chip busts a fuse when tripped, what?!?) so in lieu of succinct info I guess I'm learning by first-hand experience.

so, power off, disconnect USB cable. press both volume keys and connect the USB cable. one disgusting turquoise screen appears, instructing you to press vol up once for download mode or to longpress vol up for device unlock; not what LOS instructions say.

so press volume up for a couple of seconds and the screen asks for confirmation you really wanna unlock it, calls you a bad person and an even worse user but it acknowledges your intention. reboot and... it stays for eons on the samsung loading screen. I'm fucked, right?

eventually, the system boots up, says it's knox locked and wants access to the wifi. it connects and the onboarding process begins. I've tapped "Skip" everywhere I was allowed and eventually the desktop appears! we're off to settings, re-enable developer mode, USB debugging and check the unlock bootloader switch is on. then we have to turn off this bixby whatever-the-fuck-this-is popping up when we wanna shut the tablet down.

alright, tablet is off, disconnect cable. press both vol keys and connect the USB cable. ugly screen appears. this time, press vol up once and we're in download mode. heimdall detect and... not detected. wtf. ~~different USB port?~~ that works, flash successful! edit: turns out, you have to disconnect the USB cable after ugly screen appears and then reconnect it after launching download mode.

now to rebooting. as this tortured soul found out, LOS instructions are kinda off, so what's needed is keep the tablet connected to your PC the whole time, press vol down and power until the screen turns black, let go for a split second and immediately press and hold power and vol up and don't let go until you see the LOS recovery. you mess up any of these steps, a) you won't get into recovery and b) your recovery will get overwritten by the stock recovery and you have to start over with heimdall.

so, finally in the recovery, we select factory reset and then adb sideload. first comes the LOS zip. when it's done, select adb sideload again and send magisk (you have to rename .apk to .zip before you do). done, reboot. here we go...

and it works! no knox nothing, no google, no samsung crap, I have a beautiful, fast, thin device, bereft of any bloatware. without dicking around with animation scales, the UI is infinitely faster and more responsive.

now getting f-droid and installing essentials.

have to research these questions:

  1. the annoying nag screens while booting (you're a bad person for unlocking it, press power if you agree, etc.) can't be removed?
  2. does LOS support the pen? I haven't got it, but might consider getting one if it works.

thanks for reading!


some junkers are selling several tablets here and they all have the knox bypass installed. you can install whatever you want from the play store but no system resets or it'll lock itself.

there are tutorials on how to bypass knox and it all seems pretty straightforward. I don't really want Samsung's bloatware and have zero use for any google services, so I'd like to flash LOS.

so, if I flash TWRP, wipe it and then LOS, will that work? don't wanna buy it if I can't.



anyone had any luck with sourcing replacement earbuds? seems kinda wasteful to junk the whole thing because one earbud is gone.

Soundpeats Air3 Deluxe HS, if it matters. searching turned up nada, same with filling out the contact form on their site.


I'd like to host lemmy on my LAN and I'd be the only user, no registration open. I would subscribe to communities on other instances and my instance would get the posts and comments. would that work? I don't need it to be accessible from the internet.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml to c/thinkpad@lemmy.ml

snagged one for $60, busted screen AND torn out hinges, guess someone was having a really bad day... honestly, was hoping for just the board to work so I can turn it into a ghetto AiO.

however, everything works - i5-8350u, 8 GB soldered + 1 empty slot, 93÷ battery health, keyboard and touchpad work, unlocked BIOS, super decent condition... I guess I'll restore it instead.

need to get me a cheap nvme and 8 GB expansion. I reserved a panel for monday (found a basic 250-nit model) and then check if I can repair the panel's housing or get a replacement.

edit: guess jerboa ate the bottom part of my post... so I'm looking for an alternative panel, preferably one with 300+ nits and/or 8-bit color (stock ones are 250 nit and 6-bit) specifically ones that can be sourced from junkers (people who disassemble laptops to sell parts); ordering new panels from Ali or wherever is not an option for me.

as to the display housing, I'm not sure this would be solid, even if I could glue this together with epoxy or something similar, it seems superflimsy... anyone been down that road?

edit 2: so, apparently this is a well-known issue with T480s specifically; the T480 have plastic display covers whereas T480s have some carbon mix that is layered and is prone to crack if the hinges are too tight.

in other news, covers from T470s and T490s should fit as well, so I have that to fall back on if my epoxy attempt doesn't succeed.

edit 3: clean and repaste

edit 4: added 8 GB DDR4 3200 (running at 2400) and a 1 TB NVMe. dirt cheap, works fine. ~~only bummer though, the memory runs at single channel. fuck you very much lenovo, this ain't a $200 budget netbook, you couldn't spend the extra 13 cents for this!?~~ nope, runs dual channel; the disinfo is from Lenovo UEFI diagnostics and that's a known issue.

lubed the hinges a bit, don't want to overdo it. going to get the panel mañana and then attempt the epoxy patch job.

edit 5:

epoxy holds, cured in like 10 minutes. with the lubed hinges it feels solid, doesn't look like it's coming off.

the new screen! well, new to me, came off of some unknown donor. was super-scared because of the specs (250 nit, 6-bit) but in use it looks gorgeous, angles are good, colors OK, brightness has a sensible range, no complaints here.

routing them cables, what a chore though... and the antennas on the wifi card, madonn' - took like half an hour.

as to optics - honestly, looks like shit, especially with the lid closed. but this is a temporary arrangement until I can source a display cover for normal money. some local junker is asking $40 for a "slightly" used cover; by his metric I'm slightly not a teenager. even if it's an accurate description, I'm not paying that for a piece of plastic.

the final product! everything works, sleeps/wakes, fan turns on rarely... haven't dicked around with tlp yet, let's see how it works without it. presently runs debian 12, plasma desktop with flatpak apps.

~~I'd like again to extend my sincere fuck-yous to lenovo for making this gorgeous thing single-channel only. this is why nobody likes you, you hacks!~~ wrong, as stated above.

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