
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I don't know how to read Twitter screenshots and you're being mean to me. I literally can't read angry-hex

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Are you using Linux or Windows?


[–] 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I've got uBlock and Privacy Badger but turning them off or going incognito doesn't help at all. The most common issue I get with YouTube is the video keeps freezing. Apparently this is because Google deliberately fuck it so that other browsers have to play catch up constantly. I have heard this is why Microsoft gave up and adopted Chromium.

The other issue is that if I open more than one YouTube tab my laptop sounds like it is about to take off into space. I can have an unlimited number of tabs from any other website open though.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

There are microplastics in your testes perhaps. Not mine. I'm built different.

[–] 24 points 9 months ago (2 children)

But without a CEO, who will take a mulit-million pound salary and go to attend all these events to network with other CEOs?

My company could literally operate indefinitely without a CEO and nobody would even notice.

[–] 8 points 9 months ago (1 children)
[–] 12 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I will fight you

[–] -1 points 9 months ago (8 children)

Shame YouTube and other sites are completely fucked on Firefox.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago

You can buy litecoin or whatever from Atom Exchange and then swap it for Monero on Change Now. Send it to Cake Wallet or something similar though.

[–] 18 points 9 months ago

Fans are so weird and afraid. I get why, this is their community, and they have no self-esteem. Second hand cringe though. Grow some balls. Use your massive horse balls to form your own opinion. It will be fine.

I have watched this dude in the past before it became undeniable what a freak they were. The signs were always there, obviously, his main schtick is cringe af, but trash movie analysis is my junk food and his vids were passable sometimes.

[–] 23 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Wanting to belong just shortcuts people's brains. Absolute boomer logic. I too would love to just be a cog in the machine. I love the idea of all working together to settle Mars, Expanse style, except the way I'd do it would be to bring back Soviet style communism (Red Planet huehuehuehue).

Difference is, I still actually don't want to society to suck and be shit, and for these 20 something boomers, they just don't give a fuck. They love slavery so long as it is part of their identity. Imperialism is fine, because it is people who look like me who are doing it. Even though it is Coca Cola and Nestle and the oil companies that are the ones who reap the benefits.

Same thing with organised religion. People literally could not give a fuck if it makes sense, or if it makes their lives worse, or if it used as a cudgel to bludgeon the poor unfortunates that fall outside the pre-defined good group. They don't care if it serves archaic power structures, and even do not give a fuck when it is arbitrarily used against them. They just pick an identity (or more accurately have one randomly assigned to them by the circumstances of their birth), and then they go with it. Pure vibes.

So yeah not in the least bit surprised that the army brought these people "back into the fold"


Yim yum 😋


Have already dipped in KitKat, Flake, pain au chocolat and gummy sweets.


She says that in the final years of the Soviet Union the Communist government gunned people down in the streets. I would be curious to learn more except I can't find anything about it, besides this event.

It is a bit sad that communism is now demonised for these people considering the scale of violence committed globally by capitalist regimes.

I don't really know what I'm trying to ask but there is a question there somewhere.


Not as though I do any other kind but it still fucking sucks, play by play, this is what happened:

I spent a good hour curating my basket and got ready to check out. I had the option to check out as guest or log in to my existing account.

I got a bad feeling about this site in case I lost my entire basket, this has happened often enough that it's something I now feel nervous about, but it will probably make returns easier, better log in to be on the safe side.

That's weird. Seems I already have an account, but no password to be found. No matter, I go to reset it.

They send a reset email, I follow the instructions, reset my password, and it asks me to log in again. Alarm bells start ringing. I ignore them. I click log in.

Session expired.

All my shit is gone.

I fucking knew this would happen.

I furiously cmd + shift + T and add all my stuff back, but I only have half the items, seems I hit the tab history limit. Fucking killl meeeeeeeeeeee.

Then I spend another half an hour pain stakingly scrolling through my history and re-adding each item one by one until finally I'm done, ready to check out again. So I go to checkout.

I see the option to register for a premium account and get free next day shipping and unlimited free returns. Interesting. I figured I was intending to return a lot of this stuff anyway, and I need it soon, so for a few extra quid why not.

As soon as I added premium to my basket and went to pay, it asks me to login again. Jesus Christ not this again. I quickly open up all of my shit in other tabs, just in case, but it doesn't happen. Actually what happens is all the shit I added originally is instantaneously retrieved from the ether, and now I have double of everything. That's not the worst that could have happened, at least, but I wish I could get that half hour of my life back.

Then I see the option to pay later by Klarna. Nice. As I said, probably going to return a lot of this stuff, so may as well buy now, return what I don't want and pay the balance.

Klarna opens a new window, and nothing loads. Fine. I'll pay by card. Let me try the Amex.

Payment declined.

Bullshit, I watched you, you didn't even try to take the payment. But whatever. I'll try again with another card.

Payment declined.

Fuck you, I know you didn't even try. I know I have money. Probably my shitty furry browser being shit again, so instead I open Chrome and go through all this again.

I log in, go to checkout, figure I'll try Klarna again, and damn. Klarna is registered to my old phone. They want me to take a photo of my face and upload my driving license to reset it. I don't know how long that's going to take. I can't be fucked. It's 11.30pm now and I look like complete shit. Let's try my cards again.

Payment declined. Try the other one, same thing. Shit. Guess it's Klarna then.

I go through all the 2fa again, take a photo of my driving license, take a photo of myself looking like Ted Kasckinski and wait, and thankfully the whole thing clears in like 2 minutes. God damn though, this shit took me over an hour.

Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.


How can I get back at them


Not because of the bill but because I am melting as it is and want all the doors and windows open


You can imagine her disappointment when she learned that it contained none of the music from the game, and only sound effects like the low humming of the police siren

My experience was marginally better, as I did not realise my music was not downloading until I got on the plane, and sadly only managed to download Michael Cera's cover of Clay Pigeons by the time we got in the air

After several hours of listening to this on repeat I still do not know all of the words, but I now know more than I do of any other song besides Afroman's Colt 45


Days of Future Past. I don't know how something can be so good and yet feel kind of bad at the same time. Great cast, some great scenes, but overall kind of stinks. My least favourite parts were definitely the stupid cyborg thingies. Will probably watch Apocalypse next.


and then later when they get an upbear from someone else I will take my upbear away again


worst thing I have ever read, I had literally constant anxiety throughout the entire book


I was not expecting that at all, totally horrifying

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