I have been very lucky to be able to work from home and move to the middle of nowhere for a tiny deposit that I did not even have in my bank when I was approved for a small mortgage last year. Believe me, I am grateful every day that I do not have to put up with black mould and awful landlords. Nevertheless, I have worked out now that if I somehow get into the top 5% of earners for my country and even if I pay no tax, I will... have enough savings, including the increase in value on my own house minus the money I still owe, to buy a very slightly bigger house.
Imagine a salary today of £80k, maybe that grows to £110k in 15 years, then I can borrow £550k for a mortgage. By then I would have £60k left to pay on the house, and it will probably still be worth less than £200k, so call that £140k. Now, supposing in the extreme case, I can somehow move somewhere without tax and get paid a better salary, and suppose still, I can even save up £5k per month, and then if I do this for ten years, that will be £600k, maybe £800k if I can invest it competently. Supposing I do all of this, I will be able to afford a house worth less than £1.5m in 2039. You know what that is in today's money, assuming the same rate of house price inflation we have had for the last 40 years? It's £450k max. Do you know what that gets me? In the middle of nowhere, you know what that gets me? A fucking box, but don't worry, at least it has a garage! Maybe.
I don't have the privelege of being in a power couple, so everything we have, I have to make myself, and because of tax, a couple earning £30k each will earn more than me, so that's what I'm competing with, no matter how smart I am, no matter what cheats I take, no matter if I am extremely lucky and everything goes my way, I am totally average, and average in this country fucking sucks. Everyone is poor, and everything is tiny. There is no way there is this little space on this planet that we all have to be crammed together like sardines.
I will never make a significant amount of money, and I will never own a spacious home. I try so hard to think of a way I can ever make my dreams a reality, and even in this absurd scenario, it is just completely impossibe. As far as I can tell, everywhere else in the world has this problem as well, so I can't even flee the country to make my problems go away.
For me this means I am not gonna have kids either. I didn't mind growing up in small house, but guess what, now I'm an adult myself, I want to have space, and if I can't have enough space, fuck it, I'm not doing it, fuck you, fuck everyone.
Anyway, if this is the situation for me when I make up crazy unrealistic scenarios for myself, what the fuck is everyone else supposed to do?
I just want a house like you see in American movies. Fuck, I want to have a house that you see in adverts for what kitchen you should get. I want the one in the adverts for Nintendo Switch and PS VR where people can just stand up and there is space to move around. I want to be able to have different rooms for different things and not do every single activity including work, sitting and eating, in my living room. I want an office. I'm going to be 45 years old and working from home, I should have one. Is that so crazy? I just want space.
My idea of a bad time