Thanks for the reply :) It had me confused.
In the late 80's and into the mid 90's, I had two very specific jobs as a kid. My brother and I had to get up from the couch and either adjust the tracking on the VCR or hit the side of the TV with a deadblow hammer to get the green spot to go away. Considering that, whoever digitized this masterpiece needed desperately to adjust the tracking.
In before the WH40k comments.
Gonna be honest, it wasn't a migration. I've just been trying to make it happen with my subpar OC.
Very cool. This is the kind of stuff that you watch for longer than you realize.
I work in MasterCAM and SolidWorks professionally as a machinist. Describing doing anything in FreeCAD as easy (even learning it with prior experience) baffles me. I hate to say it, but it isn't exactly a shining example of what FOSS can be.
The sparkly lens flair filter is a nice touch.
It's hard to imagine a more expensive diet.