[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 20 points 2 days ago

Maybe add a CW because of the Kavanaugh one

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 16 points 3 days ago

you should be eating whole fruits for the fiber, not just drinking the juice, and the same goes for adrenochrome and the extra protein

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 17 points 4 days ago

lmao, Foro de São Paulo takes me way back to the OG right wing lunatics on Orkut, before Facebook was even a thing... that's some vintage conspiracy shit right there

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 2 points 5 days ago

Colgate, recommended by six of every nine dentists


Which Way, Western Man?


I spent the whole day at my workshop, making sawdust, logged off and enjoying a local holiday. I arrive home and see that at long last the cheeto is fired and then I decide to go over my daily allowance of Twitter just to check out what's going on.

My feed is full of the most radioactive shitty excuses for human beings, one after the other. I just opened it right now to check it again, and here's what I got, in this order:

Ann Coulter, Mike Pompeo, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Mike Lee, Jim Jordan, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Lauren Boebert, Donald J Trump Posts from Truth Social, Greg Abbot.

To what do I owe the pleasure of being presented with this absolute eldritch nightmare of a blunt rotation? Is this happening to anybody else? This is on my phone's Firefox browser, because I've reached the daily app time allowance, same as on my PC's browser.

Hell yea (hexbear.net)

Is anybody here familiar with this thing?

I'm talking to a psychiatrist to get assessed for ADHD, but in order to start treatment, if necessary, I'll first have to do this neuropsychological assessment called the WEIS test. It's expensive as shit, more than 2k, but seems to be the only way for me to get any kind of treatment. I can either pay that amount or wait 8-10 months to get it through my health insurance.

I did some digging and apparently it's this assessment of intelligence that can only be applied by qualified professionals. It frankly sounds like I'm about to get my brainpan measured. Have any of you taken this exam? Is it as stupid as it sounds? Has it helped you receive and/or validate a diagnosis?

Honestly it fucking sucks to me, having to jump through all these hoops just to have somebody listen to me and say "you have/don't have ADHD".


I almost made the decision to be a lib and not link but eh here it is https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1783049915800736108

submitted 2 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

Folks, everybody's saying that Deep Purple plagiarized their greatest hit. Lots of Brazilians come to me and they say it, "Maria Moita was stolen!", they're all saying it. "They stole our song, and they made it purple!"

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 105 points 2 months ago

The tracker, who passed away not long after the incident, [...]

really burying the lede here though lmao

submitted 3 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

One of my students asked me this question and I did not really know how to answer her. She was referring to the kinds of "games" that children and sometimes adults play in order to make a decision, like other forms of flipping a coin, for example.

Here in my country we also do rock paper scissors, but we call it joquempô. We also do odds and evens, par ou ímpar, and a more extended version called dois ou um, "two or one", in which players present either one or two fingers, and then the ones who chose the same amount of fingers leave the game or become a team. This can also be done with up to five fingers, and then it's called dedos iguais, "equal/same fingers".

Are there any other such games in your country? My student really caught me off-guard when she asked that, I had never thought about this cultural aspect.

Also, I'm curious to know what you do and/or did as a child if you're not from an English-speaking country as well!

submitted 4 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/sports@hexbear.net

Some really dope footage at 9:30

David McCallum - The Edge (www.youtube.com)
submitted 4 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

Aside from providing some of the most recognizable samples of all time, this song is simply an absolute fucking banger on its own right. That middle section with the flute is just sublime, good god

submitted 4 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/art@hexbear.net

I fucking love these doors. I wish architecture nowadays was more imaginative and playful like this.

Also, I think this profile is legit a very very good follow, which is highly unlikely for someone with "Cultural" in their handle and a marble statue pfp.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 111 points 4 months ago

When you scramble this many ghouls to check every single detail of a person's life history, you can make even the most well-adjusted person seem like a complete fringe lunatic. This is a concerted effort to make this guy seem as deranged as possible, just a wild crazy man, or a poor victim of online radicalization, depending on what tone you want for your think piece.

You can turn the ultimate protest into a cautionary tale about the seductive rhetoric of the violent online left or a mental health awareness month-style unheard cry for help.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 92 points 4 months ago

jesus fucking christ lmao that comment feels like it was written in some kind of laboratory as a distillation of pure liberalism

Listen here, Jack (twitter.com)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net


sorry guys, this will be my last post on this website... I messed with the ehwmeemememwica and unfortunately gedehemehnfet

submitted 5 months ago by joaomarrom@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net
[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 155 points 7 months ago

Yeah this fucking sucks but I can't say I'm surprised.

A couple of months ago he went on an interview and just completely lost his shit, hearing voices and talking absolute nonsense... there was a lot of talk on twitter about how he had just lost the election right there and then, surely it would not be possible to recover from such a disastrous public appearance...

I remember laughing in Brazilian back then, doing my best impression of the "first time?" meme, wondering if people have not been paying attention at all for the past five years. The same "silver bullet" kind of moment happened over and over and over again with Bolsonaro (and Trump for that matter), and guess what? Nothing fucking happens. These right wing lunatics can shit themselves live on TV however much they want, nothing's going to dissuade their voters.

And I think there's a reason for that: nothing makes fucking sense anymore. People just want change, they just want to fix this "nameless" despair, this emptiness and lack of purpose and hope. People intuitively understand that neoliberalism has nothing to offer except for abject failure and slow but certain decay, unless you're rich. The thing is, they don't know what to call it. Half a century of propaganda as well as an education completely unconcerned with a critical, materialist assessment of history has made it all but impossible to even begin to understand what's going wrong with the world.

The left is under constant surveillance and is browbeaten back into hiding every time it grows strong or even tries to. The right has no such limitations, and has the freedom to come out and "explain" to the people their own twisted version of reality. An exploited, uninformed, desperate, frustrated and angry working class believes that explanation, after all they have nobody else to explain things.

I'm certainly oversimplifying things, but I think that's the reason why I very often see stuff like delivery guys riding motorcycles adorned with "God, Nation and Family"-style fash stickers. It's the only way I can see the most exploited sympathizing with the exploiter and voting for the people who openly say that the exploiter should exploit more.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 132 points 9 months ago

I'm very afraid of what comes next for the Palestinian people, but regardless of what happens next, Israel has been dealt a fucking incredible blow to its international reputation. This is a country whose main export is highly sophisticated systems of oppression. If you have a nagging problem with some pesky minority, Israel is your "consultant" of choice.

Now here we are, watching as some of the most violently oppressed, downtrodden people in the entire world do deftly orchestrated commando raids on lawnmower engine powered paragliders, surprising literally the entire world. They have been training to do this under Israel's watch for god knows how long, and the IDF was none the wiser. How did they pull this off?

How can you still claim to develop the most sophisticated surveillance systems and to have the best-trained military in the world, when shit like this happens? How do you even recover from this? This is unprecedented, a paradigm shift, we're watching history in the making here.

Absolutely uncritical support for the heroic Palestinian efforts.

[-] joaomarrom@hexbear.net 101 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)




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