When a grid's misaligned
with another behind
That's a moiré
When the spacing is tight
And the difference is slight
That's a moiré
When a grid's misaligned
with another behind
That's a moiré
When the spacing is tight
And the difference is slight
That's a moiré
Aha, thanks, just wondering. English isn't my first language.
Is that (non)-(tech nerd) or (non-tech) (nerd) partner?
It's interesting to see the consonants follow a pattern like this. In swedish it's fack, with a harder k-sound, and many words are like this comparing germanic words.
Aha, tack. Jag är svensk men har ofta tänkt att jag vill åka över till norge för att se hur det är där.
Is there another rut that isn't hurtig?
Vi and later editors added a lot of commands, but if you want to keep the spirit of ed(1) and bring it into a visual context, I'd say sam(1) is the true successor. It's what Ken Thompson used after ed, and Brian Kernighan. There are some people who at least are interested in ed today, this book is good for example: https://www.tiltedwindmillpress.com/product/ed/
It comes with both fvwm and cwm, and you can install all the usual ones or a full desktop environment. Personally I like cwm in the minimalist end and xfce for more of a full desktop, but it's all just preferences. Which one do you like in Linux?
OpenBSD is surprisingly good as a desktop, as long as you don't need something that needs shoehorning in or some fancy filesystem. But if you use it as intended, it's good. Like, there's no linux compatibility, no proprietary nvidia drivers, etc. You probably want to switch away from the default window manager though unless you think perfection was reached in the early 90s.
People associate blackletter fonts with nazis, which is a little ironic since Hitler disliked and even made it illegal to use blackletter in 1941, calling it "jewish letters".
Iirc, micronutrients and HIV prevention, followed by preventing malaria. The idea is that we spend a little money now, to make many people grow up and be healthy, which avoids big costs to societies while at the same time generating people who can contribute more to the same societies. Many people want to solve the climate first, but it's very expensive for very little return. In an ideal world we would solve all the problems, but... we don't. So if we have limited resources, we should spend it where it does most long-term good. It's not a bad idea to do good things for the climate, but if we have to choose between things to do, it gives little benefit per dollar compared to other things.
Well, it's SVT, the swedish tax funded national tv. I think it's more the case that they fundamentally don't understand the people who were part of the Pirate Bay.