If you saw this and thought it was horny, that might just be a you thing.
When a sex scene is necessary, that means it is warranted by the plot and is the best way to achieve the effect the film is going for. I expect every scene in a movie to be thematically relevant.
They got you talking about Duolingo. That's why they changed it.
Stimulant medication isn't a cure, you don't have to take it every day, and it doesn't matter when you take it as long as its far enough away from when you sleep.
Just do chest compressions only
By doing this they have effectively secured their survival. We will never stop growing them.
It never ceases to amaze me that some of my relatives genuinely believe that's a real thing that happens regularly.
Us real Americans make our own cheese with melted plastic and yellow food coloring. We don't need that commie dairy shit.
You should look into providing a source instead of vague direction
I showed a bunch of children how to pirate geometry dash on their android tablets and they thought I was a wizard or something
Anyone who has any decency or feeling of inner justice will support innocent civilians regardless of their country of origin, and will condemn terrorist acts and war crimes regardless of who commited them.
Who's to say he didn't just want to die and take someone important out with him. In the mental state he was in at the time, he may not have even cared about politics.