Everyone else who grew up eating them (and fucking loves them) looking at this thread is like:
Should one be allowed to have a national state if that national state is an ethnostate, practices apartheid, and commits genocide? I'm seriously asking because that is a standard I would hold any country to. And I don't see how it means that "Jewish people can't have a homeland", just that it's unacceptable to build a homeland on the mass graves of the natives.
and it must restrain itself impeccably when fighting against terrorists with human shields.
Ridiculous. How does that single out Israel? No other nation shoots through 30 members of a single family to kill a "terrorist". How are Israel held to a different standard?
Sounds to me like a genocidal excuse fantasy.
Actually what this guy said is:
"International law stipulates that [the reaction] must be proportionate. Civilians must be taken into account, and humanitarian law is very clear on this. I think this limit has been largely exceeded"
But the Times of Israel likes to erase this from the title and make it sound like they just went one woopsie too far. Poor genocidal Israel... pout
This feels like a humanitarian crisis that will soon become a full genocide.
I am writing this not to undermine any witness testimonies. Yes, it's extremely likely that women and men were raped in this situation. This is something we know happens in war, no point denying it.
I just want to point out that this particular site that this article is from is a right wing pro-Israeli nationalist site that also dabbles in conspiracy theories.
You can check the rating here: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/tablet-magazine/
Seems to mostly publish factual information, but it is good to know what the source is and what to look out for.
They are the only ones with any story about this now. I for one would rather wait until the investigation is done and we can understand what happened in that massacre. That being said, rape is a likely outcome.
Because the hate is based on their shitty OS. They did a fairly good job with VSCode. Our hate isn't blind.
No one gave them too much power. They just woke up early and took it before anyone else could.