This will energize his base and he will win the election. It will also mean Republican domination of the House and Senate. The next two years will be a clusterfuck as normal and barriers are demolished and regular people begin to realize they've elected fascism. The midterms will begin to look like a blue wave, but then they will point back to moments like this to declare the Democratic party "illegitimate" and remove them from ballot access, if midterm elections happen at all.

This is the end of any semblance of democracy in the US for at least a generation.

So many folks in here immediately jumping to "well Trump does the same thing but worse!" as soon as any question about whether Biden can win is raised, like asking if the candidate will actually appeal to the broadest swath of America is the first step on the slippery slope to becoming authoritarian. When did "Vote Blue no matter who" turn into "Biden is our only hope"? The people questioning Bidens ability to win aren't thinking about switching their vote off the blue ticket, they're looking at the data that suggests even with the Democratic base voting blue, it won't be enough to defeat Trump and are trying to think about how to expand and energize support for Democratic ticket.

The fact is Biden has been even with Trump in national polls for months and has been losing in swing states. Trump's base isn't budging and based on the fact that Biden's abysmal debate performance didn't move the needle it's obvious that the Democratic base isn't budging either. So the only movement that is going to happen in this race are swing voters and enthusiasm.

If Biden is going to run, great, I'd love to see him fucking do it! Because if his campaign is gonna be up this once a week, tightly controlled appearance bullshit, he is absolutely going to lose and will moreover drag the house and Senate down with him. If he can't turn things around, it's time to let someone else do it.

It's true that we've never seen a party win that changed candidates this late in the election cycle, but it is equally true that an incumbent president that has an approval rating as low as Biden's has ever won reelection. If the Democratic party is going to win in November, one of those precedents is going to be broken; people are just trying to figure out which one will be easier to break.

Snake! Careful now, I just saw it moving in and out of that bush, almost like a...


Donald Trump's lawyers are seeking to vacate his New York hush money conviction based on Monday's Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

[-] 23 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Exactly this.

"Sorry Mr. President, the policies you enacted during the triple hurricane saved thousands of lives, but the drug test you took beforehand were positive for mood stabilizers so we've invalidated your policies and everyone who was saved by them has been taken out back and shot."

This isn't the fucking Olympics. But then debates are a terrible way to judge a president to begin with.


I guess you could say I swapped Bob a loo mop and got Pam's broom.

"Sorry son, little Johnny across the street is willing to go trick or treating for only two pieces of candy per hour, so I'm taking him instead."

Corporate needs you to find the difference between this woman and TurboTax.

At this point we've reached a complete and utter death of euphemism around anything regarding Trump.

All attempts to "bring to light" any horrible thing Trump has factually committed will be met by his followers with, "Well that's actually a good thing." And any politician trying to ride his wake will have to go along with it.

How soon until we start hearing "Look, we have to view Hitler with some nuance" from the Senate podium.

Who is this message even for? Not the workers obviously. Does it instill the investors with confidence? "Production is so poorly managed and staffed that we have to rely on people working overtime." Does it increase demand? "Come buy these vehicles assembled by overworked, sleep-deprived line workers, hope it works out if you get in an wreck!" It's entirely for his own ego.

It's really too bad Kroger discontinued "The Fizzicist".

This stopgap bill would absolutely have enough votes to pass in the House and the only reason McCarthy won't bring it to a vote is because the hard liners would motion to vacate the speakership. So the US will be plunged into chaos all because one guy doesn't want to lose his title. Cool democracy.

[-] 50 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I instantly read this in Pam and Cheryl's voices. And now I'm trying to map the entire Archer cast to their Baldur's Gate counterparts.

A political party is a collection and assemblage of individuals who share a set of beliefs and principles and policy views about the United States of America.

Remember when the Republican party simply didn't put out a party platform running up to the 2020 election? They released a one page document that just said "We stand for whatever Donald Trump wants." That was weird, huh?


In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS rejected the notion that state legislatures have unlimited power to determine the rules for federal elections and draw partisan congressional maps without interference from state courts.

How much effect will this have on existing congressional maps and upcoming elections?

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