Not going to do anything if the gunman aims for the head
It looks more like captain america has some massive honkers and anasarca
It's possible he has bas posture or just thinks over extending his torso and thrusting his rib cage out makes him look good because that's what it looks like to me
He's still a fat fucking idiot though
Just incase my mention didn't work because I use the mention feature very rarely on lemmy
Your better off using Tahoma2D for 2D animation and Blender for 3D animation, blender does have 2D tools but I don't know how it compared to Tahoma2D
Both are open source and Tahoma2D is a port of opentoonz which is used by Studio Ghibli as well
Krita is best used for 2D art but it's text editor is bad and your better off using InkScape for text & typesetting
Those are some cursed thumbnails
Who is the elf girl ?
The picture was shared by the person in the picture
I was concerned about that too at first
~~This picture looks like it was taken without permission~~
~~OP please delete the post and report the post where you sourced the image from~~
Found the likely source and it appears to he shared by the person themself
Girl on the right looks like Monika
So would a snow machine work ?