Original post:
It’s crazy how hard some of us worked to help get President Trump and @JDVance elected and now the Big Tech donors are just deliberately silencing us online.
Is this what we can expect over the next 4 years? Will the base be erased by the check books of Big Tech billionaires?
It’s outrageous how this has still not been addressed for 2 weeks. It’s really a slap in the face to so many in the MAGA movement who worked so hard to get Trump elected.
Free speech is completely under attack by many who are now going into the Trump admin and nobody has the courage to say a word about it.
The egregious censorship of MAGA on X over the last 2 weeks is sending the message that if you are rich enough you can get away with censoring the base and violating people’s rights. This needs to be stopped now. It’s un-American to silence and demonetize American citizens just because they have policy disagreements.
This censorship is dividing the MAGA base and is making the base feel as though they will not have a voice.
Everyone sees it but they are too afraid to speak out.
The GOP needs to decide if they are going to fight for free speech or sell it to the highest bidder.
Why is this egregious censorship of the base being tolerated?
Will the base still matter? Or just the billionaires?
It’s outrageous and I know many who feel this way and they are too scared to speak out.
My account has been completely silenced out of retaliation and now my journalism is being suppressed.
The replies are a fun mix of MAGA donkeys complaining about being censored on twitter and other MAGA donkeys attacking her for speaking out against President Musk on his own platform.
edit: Also posting in c/slop instead of c/gossip because her entire career is complaining that nobody takes her seriously as a public figure and I agree.

I assume it's about the divide of the coalition.
on one side, you have the Pure Lean Hog Faction (Lumpenprole) of the MAGA base being against all immigrants, including H2B / skilled labor sponsored by employers. this is your bread and butter white nationalist.
the other side, the the Fatted Swine (PetiteBourg and Capitalists), wanting to continue to drain vassal states of their talented workers and have amicable relations with those who would be eager to become landlords and exploiters of others. this is your would be Elon type, the VC douche, the tech bro employer.
the petite bourgeoisie are not interested in platforming the white nationalists now that the voting is done and it's making the white nationalists confused as to what MAGA is supposed to be about.
it's really something how class analysis cuts through all this shit so easily
Pretty much. The dumber hogs have these sorts of moments every so often, where they realize the richer ones are using them, but they never seem to retain the information for long
Brains like a sieve