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Ok so, i understand that it's way more than it used to be but... Is $10 for a dosen really THAT bad? Are People using eggs literally every meal or something? I LITERALLY heard someone complaining about this while grabbing some at costco. Like genuinely upset and acting like they can never have eggs again while they have a cart easily pushing $400 of stuff not all of which is food.
I feel like everyone is strangely focused on eggs when there are way worse things going through the roof
Eggs WERE one of the cheapest sources of protein available, so a lot of people depended on them since meat was so expensive. Now even that is taken from us.
eggs are also just generally really good nutrition, they are specifically meant to fuel the growth of the chick after all
and combined with them being vegetarian, eggs are one of the best foods available.
Yeah, they were the best value for money for a long time. Within my recent memory (last ten years or so), if I'm recalling correctly, they were a dollar or less per dozen in my region of the US. You couldn't beat them for nutritional ROI.
The thing about their price increases though is that up until relatively recently, I've read somewhere that bird flu was an excuse rather than an actual factor. I could be wrong on that, but I distinctly remember hearing it being tied to greed rather than an actual supply issue.
Aggravated Hank Hill voice: "Eggs being considered vegetarian doesn't make eggs better, it just makes vegetarianism worse!"
I quit eating eggs in late 2018. At the time, a dozen eggs were well south of $2. I don't think prices increased much until COVID hit. So that's ~$2 to ~$10 in five years. Given that eggs and milk are staple foods, I can see why people would be highly concerned.
uh yeah 10 bucks for a dozen is pretty fucking horrible, they cost only slightly more than a tenth of that here in sweden.
US animal ag industry is battling cross-species avian flu right now in an attempt to delay it's jump to the human population. When one chicken or pig gets sick it means you need to kill and destroy every single one of them. Hundreds of thousands of chickens get deleted every time. Usually doesn't make the national news, and there are for sure political/economic factors at play too, but disease is absolutely influencing poultry prices.
Where are you buying eggs for one crown each?? Maybe it's a regional thing?
Yes and yes. I buy them from a farm, they're cheap and delicious. I have eggs for breakfast and I have eggs as a snack in the evening
Eggs were historically a very cheap source of protein and have a very diverse nutrient profile because they are designed to grow an animal from scratch. I recall in 2019 doing the math for protein/dollar and things like chicken breast, whey protein, eggs, and milk came out on top, but that was because eggs were 80 cents per dozen. It’s like if chicken breast went from its 2019 price of 1.99 to $15-20 a pound, or milk for $15 a gallon or whey for $100+ a bag. I used to consistently eat 3 eggs every morning because I was broke and eggs + rice + siracha was like a 50 cent breakfast, now that same breakfast would be approaching 3 dollars.
People are so upset because of the 10x effective price increase, just imagine a 10x in any other price in only 5 years. Rent, education, electricity
European here. I am watching these prices unfold in pure shock. Here, 10 eggs cost between 1€ and 3€ depending on the type of farming (free range, free run, and organic).
Oh yeah like I said I understand that it's shockingly more expensive than it used to be or she even maybe should be. But I've heard people talking like they're going to need to take out a mortgage on their house and they aren't being sarcastic just to get eggs it just feels a bit strange how strong the reaction to the egg prices is. Meanwhile over the years we've let things like medicine and housing which feel like they are more important to then eggs Skyrocket in price and while we do complain about them it feels casual compared to how people are talking about eggs
People tend to talk about things that affect them and are current. Unfortunately for most of us (or at least the people in my circle) we've lived our entire lives with expensive healthcare and housing. To us it's the norm. Egg prices being this high aren't.
Also bouncing off your previous example, yeah there are people that spend hundreds of dollars on groceries, but you forget that people only have so much income; they might be balancing their budget to just barely accommodate $400 worth of groceries. Eggs suddenly costing twice or thrice as much might push them over the edge. Or, you know, broke college students whose primary source of protein are eggs also feel it pretty heavy (source: me).