this post was submitted on 07 Mar 2025
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I think Wreck It Ralph was a success because it explicitly wasn't based on a real video game, more just the idea of video games, with cute little references to real games. Starting off with original IP means you don't have an incredibly dedicated fanbase that can pick apart all the inaccuracies in your lore and character portrayals, which lowers the stakes a ton.
Making a Zelda game is risky because there are a ton of people out there with preconceived notions of how Zelda and Link are supposed to be portrayed, how the world is supposed to be portrayed, and the history of that world. If they get any of that wrong, those people are gonna be big mad. The stakes are much higher there.
Plus it's always been a game with a much more serious tone. Not sure they can really rely on a Jack Black/Jim Carrey vibe to save what might otherwise be a very bland movie.
Their best bet might be a Link's Awakening type thing, both in tone and style. If it's live action then gods help them because I can't see anything working there.
There is at least plenty of Zelda styles to go for.
Throwback to the shit fits G*mers threw when The Wind Waker was announced
The games have to get their continuity repaired once a decade or so as-is, and Link and Zelda get personality overhauls with each console generation. This is the perfect series to adapt because it's so variable to begin with.
They're canonically different Links and Zeldas though. Ganon is the only constant.
Well, mostly the same Ganon; he was slain and reincarnated in at least one timeline. Even the main incarnation can have his characterization can vary quite a bit, though, such as the more byronic personality seen in Wind Waker compared to the more agressive and brutal depiction in Twilight Princess.