god i want uncommitted to win the election
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We need at least one presidential term of non-action from the executive branch until we can figure out what the hell is going on.
Come to think of it, nothing in the rules says there are term limits for presidentlessness
Who is this Uncommitted feller? so hot right now 😮
Uncommitted vs None of These Candidates, the most important election of our lives
Absolute clownshow
They just needed to run somebody marginally competent and able to keep the mask on and they'd steamroll Trump, but they can't even do that
This Uncommitted guy is really picking up steam!
UAW in shambles
Uncommitted Auto Workers
Thid post actually convinced me to pick up my ballot and vote "Uncommitted". I don't care if it's not really praxis but fuck it. Joe Biden is a fucking demon and even if it's just another message out of a billion saying that he's bad, then let it hit the libs where they seem to think it's the most important: At the ballot box
Uncommitted 2024 LET'S GOOOOO
Uncommitted emoji, when?
Sorry everyone I'm splitting and voting for "uncomitted" because ballots don't have spell check
But if you don't vote for the genocide dinosaur you'll give us drumffpft
Holy Fuck that emote omfl mu sides ahhh
This place has the best emojis on the web
and UFCW is traditionally one of the lame unions, lol