The front page will be filled with those headlines though on Jan 21 once suddenly all of these things that Biden is doing becomes all of these things Trump is doing
It's the dunk tank.
This is where you come to post big-brained hot takes by chuds, libs, or even fellow leftists, and tear them to itty-bitty pieces with precision dunkstrikes.
Rule 1: All posts must include links to the subject matter, and no identifying information should be redacted.
Rule 2: If your source is a reactionary website, please use instead of linking directly.
Rule 3: No sectarianism.
Rule 4: TERF/SWERFs Not Welcome
Rule 5: No ableism of any kind (that includes stuff like libt*rd)
Rule 6: Do not post fellow hexbears.
Rule 7: Do not individually target other instances' admins or moderators.
Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this. Posts that do not meet this requirement can be posted to !
Rule 9: if you post ironic rage bait im going to make a personal visit to your house to make sure you never make this mistake again
Which, coincidentally, means liberals are the best argument for electing Trump. A huge portion of the nation starts caring about things they should always care about simply because bad man.
Legitimately, there was a revolutionary spirit I could feel that was dissipated when Biden was elected. Motivated people were beginning to turn away from the capitalist status quo, but then Biden wins and the energy became "thank god the adults are back, we can ignore everything again."
I remember libs being so happy that history was back to being over, and then immediately shit starts going off the rails with Afghanistan, Ukraine and now Israel
i got banned from r/cth for this take
It's going to be really funny to see dejoy and the concentration camps on the southern border suddenly be an issue again overnight after a precisely 4 year hiatus.
It's no different than when we went from Trump to Biden. Welcome to US politics.
That "Biden saved the 40 hour work week" one is extra hilarious.
You know, the 40 hour work week. The thing that everybody is coming around to agree is outdated and unnecessary and other places are getting rid of and drastically improving the quality of life everywhere its tried.
I'd make a joke about how it's like if Biden was around in the 70's bragging about stopping bussing but.... uh... ya know.
He also didn't save it. Most low income workers are either stuck being underemployed at 35 hours or have to take two jobs, working over 40.
I should have started with "obvious liberal horseshit aside" lol youre right my bad
The posts on the protests are in every other subreddit where everybody agrees that the cops should be being more violent towards the protestors and also claiming the protestors aren't doing anything while they post on reddit.
There was a local thread from one of the universities and all thentop comments where "stidents" complaining the protedtors were selfish and ineffective because it was interrupting thier studies.
Saw one post that was basically "I hate the protestors because they caused me to lose a bunch of samples I needed for my masters theisis"
"Really, cus I walked around the campus all day yesterday and could get in anywhere I needed, they were just stopping cops"
"Nope I deff couldn't get in, somebody should really teach these spoiled brats a lesson"
Meanwhile on Tiktok, videos of the protests have 150k+ likes, and any comments like that get ratio'd into oblivion. Wonder why the government hates it so much.
It's so exceedingly obvious why they want to ban TikTok. Constant stream of protest vids and cops from different campuses. Didn't even know they were protesting at Indiana University until this morning
I've really become alienated from liberals in my life due to this.
It was abandoning covid precautions early that alienated me from them, but this sure is solidifying it.
You don't understand, that's all news not current politics so not allowed.
Fuck I wanna see what all they've removed
I would love to see reddit modlogs for that very reason showed some, didn't go back that far.
posts removed about protests, were called off topic, not appropriate or disallowed type
Everything related to Israel has always been targeted for deletion over there, so not surprising.
That's pretty accurate, really. Libs only see politics as all the stuffy white dudes in the Capitol and Donald Trump falling asleep in court.
The words "palestine", "isreal", "cop", "police", "student", "college", and "university" appear nowhere on this page.
I assume the mods simply nuke any protest stuff as being not related to politics. And they nuke most Palestine/Israel stuff as being off topic.
I'ma be honest, I'm really glad that /r/chapotraphouse started coming across my feed when it did and got me out of liberal politics. I was a /r/politics user for like 6 years and probably would've kept going if I wasn't exposed to leftist politics.
Trump derangement syndrome continues going strong
You'll see some posts about the protests and about Palestine in 'controversial', but the comments are even more disgusting than normal for
As if we needed anymore proof that Reddit is 90% Usians and probably additional 500% of Usian bots.
A decade ago the reddit blog listed their most reddit addicted city and it was Eglin AFB lol.
They've long since removed it but the internet archive still has proof.
I mean yeah but this is the subreddit explicitly for US politics so it's not really surprising the people there would be american.
Oh i see, the name suggested it's for general politics. I thought it's like where the "politics" community was nearly entirely usian one.
Guess what is for lmao
Report those ones btw, because ppl should be using for usa politics.
Pretty clear there's catch and kill going on with threads related to these protests
Holy shit Clandyce Blimpf just testified that Donald Trump made her wipe his poopy butt after he shit his diapers. He's so finished now
"Also here's an op-ed about how that poop in bidens pants could have come from anywhere, probablly russian bots, and it's not accurate to claim he shit himself"
CIA stays busy huh
Trumpity trump trump trump orange man trumpity drumphf, trump trump trumpity
then a bunch of inorganic comments praising joe biden from accounts that have weird, stilted histories posting short comments in the most generic subreddits
the saccharine praise of that genocidal husk is so cloying and fake it makes me wonder what these accounts are being paid or if it's just pure chat GPT now
b-but cheeto bad!
Nice of them to host a talking points page for the DNC
light mode
I turned off my extension to make this post more offensive to your eyes, comrade.
The libs want their trump slop
Heads in the sand
These are the people calling us an echo chamber.
The Trump channel
trump is a big doodoo butt and his butt is orange and it stinks because he's fat