Unrolled thread because why the fuck would you have a shitter account"
Includes Turkey, the UK, and Georgia.
Yeah for fucks sake stop posting normal Twitter links who the fuck has Twitter
if someone tries to post an x.com link the site should rewrite it to xcancel.com
this android app is really helpful for editing links youre following, posting cause its in myclipboard :)
Wait wait so the current government can just choose to indefinitely ignore election results? Nice democracy you got there France
Yes because the 5th republic’s constitution was written by degaulle post war which give some veto power as the president.
But let’s not blame De gaule for all the ills in the world all the parties uses anti-democratic means to advance using the constitution.
Mitterand from the socialist party will prop up the rightwing to steal votes from the communists or even the center right in elections.
The constitution is not working but no winner is going to dissolve the means in which they use to come into power.
But let’s not blame De gaule for all the ills in the world
If the opportunity exists we should take it.
He basically took the Weimar constitution because it succeeded at its main goal of stopping the communists from ever taking power.
Let's see what "concerns" the state department or Latin American countries express. Wait, nothing?
Correction, MACRON is doing his best to ignore them, and itll only work for so long
The loser president gets to pick the next prime minister
Lmao what the fuck is that
How does that shit gets to be called "democracy" for fuck sakes
Yes, I know
Polls show that liberals are more opposed to democracy than even the far right is
Liberals like Democracy™ which is when liberals are in charge. Convenient that.
Exactly, the libs managed to thoroughly discredit themselves over the past two years showing that they don't actually believe in any of the principles they espouse.
Nobody likes democracy when they're not the majority
For sure, but specifically liberals are more likely to agree with ideas like competency tests for voting, and having structures in place that make change through democratic means harder, like having a senate that gives more power to rural areas and has a longer election cycle that makes actually changing it take much longer.
Kamala didn't even win a single primary 🤔
Will the "pro democracy" liberals condemn this and call for sanctions against macron?
ACKSHUALLY, the NFP only won because Russian bots influenced the election. I don't have any actual proof of this, but vibes have never let me down before. Therefore their victory was undemocratic.
The French people yearn for freedom. President Putin, please impose a no fly zone over Paris
Dude not everyone has a xitter account just copy or screenshot the thread or at least give a brief summary ty
There's also xcancel.com or nitter.privacydev.net, which are nitter instances that aren't run by chuds like poast is.
lmao melenchon suggesting no LFI ministers was a huge capitulation and Macron wouldn't even take that?
That was a good way to call his bluff, I'm guessing Melenchon knew that Macron wouldn't go even for that and forced him to expose himself.
And since some people may argue that it is unprecedented during a "cohabitation" scenario when the election happens in the middle of a presidential mandate and the winners aren't from the president's party, that's NOT true either.
The French are trying to do "you can't replace Antonin Scalia during an election year" to ignore an actual election. Incroyable.
So are we going to see as many threads about this as we do Venezuela in the Western press?
Have yet to see a single thread on it outside /r/France
Real coup with knives and heads on pikes and fighting in the streets or boring lib coup?
guess lol
The "I'm just not going to leave office, what are you gonna do, arrest me?" kind of coup
Ah yes, western democracy at work
Can anyone break this down into dumb american?
France has a very powerful presidency because of that rotten De Gaulle, and relies like all strong-presidency republics, on nobody calling the bluff and pushing the limits of that power. Macron is doing so in order to prevent the formation of a left-wing government.
Link given in the comments here, in english, easy to understand and very interesting (I learned things even if I'm French): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1827474244856365440.html
- Macron lose to the left alliance
- Call for truce during Olympics
- Olympics are finished since 2 weeks, still no decision made except "not those guys from the left LFI party"
- Find all kind of dumb excuses to reject left prime ministers candidates
- LFI ask if they guarantee not one of them will join the government, would you finally accept the global left prime minister (Lucie Castet) ?
- Unintelligible mumbles
- ???
- Profit
Another day, another case of being a demon