I'll check back after I get my resumes that I asked my therapist to print for me since being able to afford printer ink is bourgeois decadence.
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Public libraries will usually print stuff for free or very cheap. That's what I did last time I needed some resumes.
My therapist actually volunteered to print them for me lol.
Remember, with clown makeup you avoid sharp angles because they come off as aggressive
Smooth wide curves in a bright primary color
So more Bozo and less Art or ICP?
IDK. Juggalo style could also be fun, particularly if you either never smile or constantly smile during the event. Maybe add a cowboy hat?
I have resting 'tism face so I always look like I'm angry so this is good advice. Ironically I'm in Texas so a cowboy hat at an interview isn't that out of place rofl.
Show up in rodeo clown makeup and call the interviewer "pardner"
What, and get mistaken for Ronnie Jackson?
I ask because like you literally just google what you don't know. Everyone in the industry knows this, but you can't fucking say that at an interview
Just a personal anecdote, but i once said exactly that - that I'm a good googler. Then I went into a spiel about how being able to navigate to certain corners of the interent is an underrated skill in todays world. I ended up getting that job.
Might not always work, but i wouldn't necessarily shy away from talking about it.
Yeah I've dropped that line to but it's hit or miss sometimes. It works well with people who are real about it I think. I just feel like some of the bigger more important interviews is when it fell flat. Idk tho.
But like it's really what I already do for 60-70% of IT and programming both.
For hospital IT a good angle might be to highlight security best practices depending on the role. There have been a lot of data breaches and ransomeware targeted at hospitals, so acknowledging that you are aware and prepared for that could be helpful.
Very good point. I can try to finagle that in to my answers for sure.
Those stupid google/Microsoft certs drive me mental. At my place everyone had to do them including the project managers. Problem was the talking jira boards now have opinions on infrastructure because they did an entry level course on why x cloud platform will fix your marriage.
on why x cloud platform will fix your marriage.
I sort of did it as a hail mary hope that people would take it as serious as the A+ cert since I was a dummy and let mine expire. What is dumb is that that covered more modern stuff than my A+ exams so imo it's a more valuable investment and should be weighed heavier compared to if I still had my A+ that covered old tech that no one even uses anymore. Ah yes hubs and SCSI cables, very cool.
Of course mime clown makeup without a beret is silly. So I suggest you say you tell them your beret is your emotional support headgear.
If they won't let me wear an emotional support beret to an interview then they don't deserve me.
I guess system/network stability and durability for hospital IT?
Disclaimer I don't know anything about IT
It's a good suggestion but it's a normal help desk position. If it was like cyber or networking I'd be more freaking out lol.