"as aoc said when arguing why you should vote for biden the first time: you’re not just voting for the person who already gives you everything you want. you’re voting for the person you will argue against, criticize, protest and try to convince to do what you want. out of the two, who do you think is less likely to respond to protests? who’s more likely to be open to dialogue, even if it’s an adversarial one? vote for Harris, then protest the fuck out of her positions you don’t like. maybe with enough pressure you can force some change. with mango mussolini you have no chance."
My favorite lib strategy. Give up what little leverage you have, give the person you don't like everything they want, and then complain about it from a position of zero political influence. Also, if you complain well enough to actually require an issue be addressed, you'll get the full weight of the US legal and enforcement mechanisms on your ass.