The Spanish Communist Party has issued a call to other communist parties in Europe to send help to deal with the floods and our party will send a brigade of volunteers soon
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Be careful out there folks. There are spanish neo nazis organizing in Valencia. In case your team needs an idea on how to identify them, some of them are wearing shirts like this one:
Wish you the best! Valencianos need a lot of help.
There's this news article going around about how DPRK soldiers in Ukraine are 'gorging on porn' because they can now access the internet. The proof? 'A usually reliable source tells me that...'. That's it. That's the source. And of course people accept it as the truth.
Source: the ghost of Kiev (excuse me, Kyiv or whatever dumbass way they spell it)
To my actual surprise my comment calling this out got double digit likes so I guess people can see through the bullshit
my dad, an insane anticommunist, is in love with china he recently discovered how developed china is and wants to visit China lol.
which bring me to ask you, how should i spproach him about their politics, he has convinced himself that theyre "more" capitalist than the US and thats why theyre so developed 😂 its pretty funny because you can find communist iconography in every video
In CGTN, there are videos in spanish explaning how democracy works in China such as this one ->
This could help with you anti communist dad. That's what I have been exposing my father in law and my family in general.
I just had someone who was apparently a part of Operation Prosperity Guardian reply to me on reddit really mad that I made fun of the two US pilots who bombed Yemen and later died in a jet crash in the US. I told them if I were flying the jet it wouldn't have crashed lol
if I were flying the jet it wouldn't have crashed
Yeah, same, cause i would've landed it in Yemen, asked for asylum, and told them to give the plane to the Iranians or Russians to reverse engineer. Really the only moral thing that a US pilot can do, short of kamikaze-ing their plane into the nearest US warship.
ah I was referring to the plane in which they crashed, which was in Washington state during some kind of training mission or something. I agree with the spirit of your comment though
Another week.
Ever since the elections finished over here I am in some sort of political pause it seems. The party hasn't really communicated something in the last few weeks and I haven't heard from my group either. I get that in a year with two elections, who are now done, a pause was necessary but idk it's not like things have stopped. Get back to work I'd say.
The strange thing is that I just sort of forgot too. Like, it was only last night that I thought about the party work in weeks.
In the meantime life is great actually. I finally settled in my new office and I feel really welcome. Made some new coworker friends who invite me to do stuff. Gym is going great and I am on a roll the last few weeks after working out from home for over a year. I eat healthy. Haven't had a drink in months. I feel calm and at peace for the first time in over two years I think. I got some nice things planned.
Not really sure why I write all of this. But I guess I had to get it out somewhere. I was sitting on my couch last evening thinking about how I truly feel happy for the first time in a while and it feels nice.
Though I do hope party work starts soon.
I hope you all have a nice week :D
Have a good week too Oppo : )
I hope your week boldly goes where your weeks have never gone before! :D
So the RCMP (Canadian federal police who love to harass and destroy the lives of Indigenous communities) intend to use social media to basically trap "extremists" in Canada. That might be cool if there were some kind of criteria and accountability to communities. But with the "victims" of Communism memorial and what not, it will definitely be used to beat down protestors trying to stop pipelines etc., and protect the ruling class from any workers movement.
Plus we have a wet noodle fascist that will likely be prime minister next time around so... Yeah
I said 'death to Israel' on my country's football (soccer) sub and I got a warning from Reddit lol.
I should have just said that 'at least Tel Aviv is a progressive place! They have gay prides!' like the other comment.
The fr*nch
Indeed the fr*nch
my pro-genocide relative voted for kamala lol, at least its consistent
Today is the US presidential election. And everybody online and offline is in the most annoying state of hysteria imaginable.
Since it doesn't make any difference who gets elected, I think I'm just going to sit back and watch the fireworks.
im gonna sit back and watch Hasan stream, gonna be funny when he has a meltdown because Trump won.
Haven't checked out Hasan, but I've been watching the online meltdown, and it's pretty hilarious. E.g., from the Destiny sub (ngl, had me at the title):
"greatest country on earth", canadians are such cucks
Same cuck energy as when the US bootlickers here in Europe go on and on about what a wonderful symbol of freedom and democracy the US is, how it's the greatest, strongest country on earth and won't you please protect us from big bad Russia. Fuck i hate these losers, at least one good thing that might come from this result is that it will hopefully shut them up for a while.
We're currently looking for volunteers to moderate a few rooms in the GZD Matrix space, especially those in UTC-1 to UTC+8 (roughly Europe, Africa and the western half of Asia). If you're interested, DM any of the mods in the space and we'll send some vetting questions and guidelines.
Is there any actual reason to believe Trump would drastically change the Ukraine war like libs are saying? No way the ruling class of the US will let him fuck up this situation.
I can't see him accepting Russian terms politically. He's floated the idea of a freeze and delaying NATO membership, but Russia already categorically stated that they won't go for that. However, I think what he'll do is cut funding, and that will force Ukraine to surrender sooner.
Tonight my football team plays at home against an Isreali team. Let's hope my team beats them. Such a shame it wasn't canceled and that the counter protest was banned. Last night a Palestinian flag was taken from a squatted house by Israeli supporters and burned in the Dam Square. And there are a lot of Mossad agents in the city for 'safety'
lmao, was it the macabi team? I saw a macabi supporter get their ass beat by some Moroccan cab drivers the zionists tried to beat up. There was another who had their passport taken, shoved into the water, and they made him say free palestine HAHAHAH
You could become a fake tour guide who purposely tells the Israeli supports to go in the wrong direction like "huh no the match in in Rotterdam trust me"
I was wondering what your opinion was lol
I've already seen some footage of clashes between protesters and Maccabi fans
Pics that go hard.
I went to the Ajax stadium to see if there was a demonstration against the Israeli club but I didn't see anything so I went home. But apparently there was a pro-Palestina demonstration near the football stadium on a nearby square, which I only came to know on my way back home. It was apparently announced a day before. I really should stay in touch more.
I saw footage of after the match and quite a few Maccabi fans seem to have been beaten up
Read a news article one of the Israeli supports said "I went to Amsterdam for a holiday but I am leaving early because it feels like a war zone"
Lots of thing to unpack in such a statement
But anyway, no justice no peace for them
From what I have been reading, there were people pummeling zionists to the groud. There are a lot of videos circulating about this.
Amsterdam police are cracking down violently on pro-Palestine protestors on Dam Square who are protesting against the way the Maccabi hooligan situation was treated. They are even arresting journalists. And they are blocking the square so no protestors can leave, even the ones who were at the edge bc they didn't want to be in danger. I'm safe, I didn't go.
i was watching this video about korean gender war and it has a whole segment and confucian hierarchy in china for example around 31 minute, says that confucian hierarchy is embedded in their “socialism with chinese characteristics“, is this a valid statement?
Can anyone see this comment?
I care so little about this election that a fucking change on Tvtropes is affecting my mood more than any voting.